1) The Street has VERY LOW CONFIDENCE in the ABILITY of HONG and his team to DELIVER better EPS and MARGIN.
2) HONG\'s PERSONALLY BANK is OVTI. He is granting MORE STOCK OPTIONS which is a BIG EXPENSE to himself and his cronies than they DESERVE. Just take a look at the TOTAL STOCK OPTION COMPENSATION EXP. each quarter. It is HUGH relative to NET INCOME. Judging from how LOUSY THE STOCK PRICE is, do they DESERVE IT??????????!!!!!!!!!
3) The competition is getting more fierce since now INTC just joined the game.
4) WFC is just a JOKE. More than one companies have the similar technology. In addition, the ability of OVTI to deliver it and make a significant market out of it with competitive and attractive price is highly DOUBTFUL!!!
5) HONG will continue paying himself MORE HUGE STOCK OPTIONS until he takes them into his grave. He is over 70 now!!!
6) Mgmt. kept on CLAIMING the POTENTIAL NEW APPLICATIONS, such as automotive, medical, game, etc., for a LONG TIME. But where is the RESULT??? They are ALL still VERY SMALL!!!
All of the above causes are the reasons why SHORTS just WON\'T LET GO OVTI!!!