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Album:Morning Mist (2003)

Artist: Floweryard (梦幻花园)

Styles: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock, Vocal Jazz, Jazz Blues

Review : 在SECRET GARDEN幕后成员ROLF GRAF全力创造全新组合FLOWERYARD之前,队中的三位成员TORHOLD NIGAR, LINE BLIXT LVARSON及HANNE SKJONNEBERG,其实都对音乐有着出类拔萃的观点与态度。为了令这张大碟《MORNING MIST》的作品更具透明度及清晰感,三人更首次于挪威首都奥斯陆一间极具庄严气氛的教堂VALERENGA KIRKE中进行录音工作,并由世界著名录音师JAN KONGSHAUG 把立体丰腴的独特回声收录至最完美最颠峰的境界。SECRET GARDEN的成员 PAT BROADERS在唱片中的客席演出,令FLOWERYARD的天籁梵音更锦上添花,绝对媲美ENYA的歌声。

“Morning Mist”是他们的第一张专辑,其中很大一部分是在奥斯陆的最好的教堂Vålerenga Kirke里面现场录制的。从教堂的墙壁,底板和房梁返回的沉静的回音被当代最好的声音工程师Jan Erik Kongshaug仔细地捕捉下来,Jan Erik Kongshaug曾经为无数的ECM唱片做过出色的录音工作。

而专辑里的音乐也包含了很深的感情和冥想。 Floweryard是一个充满自然魅力的花园。即使是在城市的荒漠的生活中,Floweryard的歌也能提供一片绿洲,有如夜莺般美妙,白日梦似的缥缈。 这是真正的“挪威森林”的声音。想象温暖的阳光撒在身上,享受着自然的日光浴,透过花朵的美丽和方向,Floweryard的3位仙女用自然的光彩织出了一幅令人惊羡的图画。 因为专辑在教堂中录制,Floweryard在专辑中反应了各种奇特的精神状态。有如透过森林缝隙撒下的阳光,这张专辑是一次音乐的旅行,既有北海的巨浪,也有孕育着春天的雪峰。静谧处有如雪夜中飘舞的雪花,喷薄处有如阳光耀眼的光芒,在Celtic音乐的激荡下,Floweryard创造出了一个诗一般的音乐港湾,港湾周围有神秘的冰河,湍急的瀑布和生机勃勃的森林。 就象树木沐浴在温暖的夏日阳光下,在微风中轻摆,海鸥伸展着双翅,优雅地滑翔,Floweryard带给我们的就是这种生活的气息。

lyrics: Path of tears

I was wandering through the fields of memories

As the winterwinds, swept through the hills

When I heard a distant voice,

though it came from far away

And then I saw him standing there

I heard the echo of a dream, an ancient lost ideal

It haunts us in our sleep

Envision the spring, when winter comes

The seed’s still alive, hidden deep within our hearts

Hold on through, this lonely path of tears

You will shine, till the end of time

It’s your destiny

I could feel his dreams were broken

And I felt the pain in his heart

And then I saw his eyes, were filled with tears

And I sensed his passion and his care

If I only could reverse the past

Your sacrifice is not in vain

The battlefields have changed into peaceful scenes

But I still can feel the chills of yesterday

Hold on through, this lonely path of tears

You will shine, till the end of time

It’s your destiny


