4] In China, many many people died in the 60's last century. Anyone with basic common sense and knowledge know that: "You just can not blame the whole thing to Mao." It was the "lump sum" just happened when Mao was in charge. In the past, in USA, tens of millions Indians got murdered - can you just balme the US President at that time? Chairman Mao had done much more good things to China than shortcomings. Even the French president said that he was a big "contributor" to mankind.... What you should do is to tell the Chinese need to treat their own people nicer and nicer. (Too bad, the Chinese have treated the non-Chinese much better then their own people for a very long time)
5] To yijibang:
You are using a Japanese name "YiJiBang". I tell you that you Japanese should not write on Chinese web-site spreading bad rumors. That is real evil! Stop it, the Jap!
Wiserman 发表评论于
Hey, 忘我 & yijibang:
3] Per 忘我: "You are too old to talk here..." You got to be joking. Firstly you can not say this. You discriminate the ages - thsi is a legal issue. I actually can sue you in the court. From other point of view, let me ask you, "Do you still admire Mr. Plato? Mr. Jesue, Mr. Conficius? A person's wisdom may not relate to age at all. It all depenmds whom you are talking about.
I am retired now, I am studying Chinese culture and history, study logic & philosophy(from a retired Philosophical professor), and I am taking courses in the near-by university on Anthropology. My classmates are teenagers and my teacher is younger than me. Who said that I am too old? You poor little "girl"(I assume that you are a youbg girl), wake up and open you eyes widely... OK?!
Wiserman 发表评论于
Hey, 忘我 & yijibang:
1] 张戎的"毛-鲜为人知的故事”is full of gossips, rumors, and made-ups. After you, anyone, read this book, your/her/his IQ will drop by 30%! It is wise for you to take my advice: Don't need to help this trash(张戎) to make "dirty illegal" money.
2] Per yijibang: "...I have a right in this country to select my teacher..."
My answer is yer or no. About 40 years ago when I was a graduate student, my Department Head "forced" me to take his "Material Science" class instead of another "better" professor's. I had to comply. It might be for the sake of scholarship ... for living. ... No matter where you live, you just can not do whatever you want to do. Just read the American news papers, their reports almost have one tone, which is different from the Canadian news with the same event.
Remember Dan Rather(?), the TV anchor man. Dug out Bush's old story ...then got "fired". He has kept his mouth shut since.
This is the game you have to follow to live on earth.
Wiserman 发表评论于
忘我 & yijibang:
1] 张戎的"毛-鲜为人知的故事”is full of gossips, romors, and made-ups. After you, anyone, read this book, your/her/his IQ will drop by 30%! It is wise for you to take my advice: Don't need to help this trash(张戎) to make "dirty illegal" money.
2] Per yijibang: "...I have a right in this country to select my teacher..." My answer is yer or no. About 40 years ago when I was a graduate student, my Department Head "forced" me to take his "Material Science" class instead of another "better" professor's. I have to comply, might be for the sake of scholarship ... for living. ... No matter where you live, you just can not do whatever you want to do. Just read the american news papers, their reports almost have one tone, which is different from the Canadian news with the same event. This is the game you have to follow to live on earth.
3] Per 忘我: "You are too old to talk here..." You got to be joking. Firstly you can not say this. You discriminate the ages - thsi is a legal issue. I actually can sue you in the court. From other point of view, let me ask you, "Do you still admire Mr. Plato? Mr. Jesue, Mr. Conficius? A person's wisdom may not relate to age at all. It all depenmds whom you are talking about.
I am retired now, I am studying Chinese culture and history, study logic & philosophy(from a retired Philosophical professor), and I am taking courses in the near-by university on Anthropology. My classmates are teenagers and my teacher is younger than me. Who said that I am too old? You poor little "girl"(I assume that you are a youbg girl), wake up and open you eyes... OK?!
4] In China, many many people died in the 60's last century. Nayone one with basic common sense and knowledge know that: "You just can not blame the whole thing to Mao." It was the "lump sum" just happened when Mao was in charge. In the past, in USA, tens of millions Indians got murdered - can you just balme the US President at that time? Chairman Mao had done much more good things to China than shortcomings. ... What you should do is to tell the Chinese need to treat their own people nicer and nicer. (Too bad, the Chinese have treated the non-Chinese much better then their own people for a very long time)
5] To yijibang: You are using a Japanese name "YiJiBang". I tell you that you Japanese should not write on Chinese web-site spreading bad rumors. That is real evil thign! Stop it, the Jap!
屎 发表评论于
忘我 发表评论于
to wiserman:
You are too old to talk here. You are not a true scientist either, because you are not logical nor truthful.
yijibang 发表评论于
I am very lucky that I am not your student. At least, I have a right in this country to select my teacher and what I want to learn. Shame on you and those students sitting your class who have to follow your idiot thinking that Mao is great. Or they will suffer your abusing to be flunked. I am not American white and African American (you don't call them black). I know whom should I respect and that is my right. You have no point to force anyone to follow your thought. I am conscious and no way I will respect Mao who had killed at least 70 million Chinese during those days including my numerous family members. I hope you know what you are talking about. I will ignore your comments from now on. Be good and take care of your old body and brain.
ilovenz 发表评论于
it is not argueable that mao was the evil dictator. only the idiots and beneficiaries of mao's era still admire him. some chinese desperately want to be slaves of the dictator in stead of real human beings.
须 发表评论于
Wiserman 发表评论于
To yijibang:
I am a hot blood Chinese. I see many hot blood Irish, Italians, Central Asians, Koreans ... just don't see too many hot blood Chinese. Too bad.
Resnd my writing where I have answered most of your claims.(such as(1) Eisenhower's words, (2)condemn the misleading writer, (3)announce that 张戎is worthless) I am a senior by age. It's Ok you don't agree. I am a sentist by profession. It's fine if you don't think so. What I am saying is to show you that I am a clear thinker with lots of experience and knowledge. If you read my writing, you should learn. Well, if you were in my class, I would flunk you three times in a row. Because you are logically messed up.
1] It is everybody's responsibility to condamn the "evil" articles. This kind of writing mislead people. In America, you still can not say anything you want to say. You got to know about 100 years ago, if you blame the Senator, you would be considered as a traitor. Please open you eyes and read some history. BTW Im a scientist.
2] Eishenhower was a good general but he was a poor political leader. You hav know that all the recent American presidents: Nixon, Ford, Johnson, Regan, Carter, Bush, Clinton paid Chairman Mao great respect. This is a fact! And the world leaders around world, except the Russian leaders, all have considered Chairman Mao is a great guy! So, if your were a black/white American, you should follow the presidents: respect Chairman Mao.
3] Chairman Mao is THE person stopped the Chinese defeating fate lasted for over 100 years. This is also fact. So, if you were Chinese, some kind, you also need to pay respect to Chairman Mao. Otherwise, you may still be considered as the dof's leve;. Remeber:" Chinese and dog not allowed!" in front of of the parks in China?
4] Give you a good concept: No Dong(黨) is good or bad by birth. It all depends on who is doing it. I am a non-partisian. I don't blame the whole group, I may say this person is doing the wrong things. For some Taiwanese independent people, they will say that KMT is devil. Right now, some countries are being called devils ...Hahaha!
(write without edit)
yijibang 发表评论于
Please read one more time of my writing, calm down and don't get emotional. You don't act like a senior. I am wondering what is your point to claim that you are a scientist? I am not sure what we have discussed has to do with science. It is strickly personal opinion. Take it easy, you look like a child to me. Hahaha...Hope you don't have hypertension. Good luck and enjoy your life and reading, just don't get upset when you see different opinions.
Wiserman 发表评论于
To yijibang:
...Otherwise, you may still be considered as the same level as a dog. Remember:" Chinese and dog not allowed!" signs were hang in front of the parks in China 70 years ago. ...(typing errors corrected)
Don't you see 张戎 wrote this for money???
Wiserman 发表评论于
1] To yijibang: It is everybody's responsibility to condamn the "evil" articles. This kind of writing mislead people. In America, you still can not say anything you want to say. You got to know about 100 years ago, if you blame the Senator, you would be considered as a traitor. Please open you eyes and read some history. BTW Im a scientist.
2] Eishenhower was a good general but he was a poor political leader. You hav know that all the recent American presidents: Nixon, Ford, Johnson, Regan, Carter, Bush, Clinton paid Chairman Mao great respect. This is a fact! And the world leaders around world, except the Russian leaders, all have considered Chairman Mao is a great guy! So, if your were a black/white American, you should follow the presidents: respect Chairman Mao.
3] Chairman Mao is THE person stopped the Chinese defeating fate lasted for over 100 years. This is also fact. So, if you were Chinese, some kind, you also need to pay respect to Chairman Mao. Otherwise, you may still be considered as the dof's leve;. Remeber:" Chinese and dog not allowed!" in front of of the parks in China?
4] Give you a good concept: No Dong(黨) is good or bad by birth. It all depends on who is doing it. I am a non-partisian. I don't blame the whole group, I may say this person is doing the wrong things. For some Taiwanese independent people, they will say that KMT is devil. Right now, some countries are being called devils ...Hahaha!
(write without edit)
OK, are you learning somethhing now? I am a senior, I am qualified to say like this.
yijibang 发表评论于
I don't think it is appropriate to criticize author like you have just done. It is even more absurd to ask WXC to remove the article. I can understand your Pro-Mao mentality and I respect that. By the same token, it is always a good practice to respect others opinion. You can publish the similar book about Mao and show that your point of view with more solid evidence. It is a pity to see that you are so offended by this article. By the way, I kind of agreeing what the author said. President Eishenhower used to criticize Chinese communists under Mao, they are devils, and the things they are doing are only deveils can do and even worse. Hope to read your book about Mao in the future. Wiserman!
Wiserman 发表评论于
Totally wrong!
Read the history about Mao's early age! Mao joined KMT earlier than Chiang KeiShick - Mr. Wang JinWei liked Mao very much, and Mao was assigned by Dr. Sun YetSen as the backup of Central Committee of KMT. Mao devoted himself to "save " China since his early age. ...张戎is a liar. No good at all!
Please don't spend money buy her book! It's a valueless novel. Haha, she tried to change the history! She is evil!
Wiserman 发表评论于
"viewer" and All:
张戎的“毛 – 鲜为人知的故事”has no value whatsoever!
And now you know what kind of level those two are! Pretty low level. It took 12 years to write such garbage. That's sad! .... and what can you get after reading this book? you get nothing! I sincerely doubt about the readers IQ --- being fooled by this "rumor, gossips, and made-ups ". Alas! The world may come to an end soon!
SUNNE, you are wrong!
From Buddhism point of view, if you write something and mislead people, then you have done a bad thing. You will get penishment as reward.
If you write, you are responsible!
SUNNE 发表评论于
臭老王 发表评论于
哈哈,看把这叫 Wiserman 小子急的。
Wiserman 发表评论于
Can SWenXueCity remove this article?
Wiserman 发表评论于
This is an insult to WenXueCity to post 张戎's stuff!
Wiserman 发表评论于
张戎 is a garbage in mankind.
Wiserman 发表评论于
张戎的book is full of gossips and rumors. Not worth to read!
She(张戎) with her Russian husband(in England) just use Mao's name to make money. All(and Only) the stupid people bought her book as a donation to her bank account!
Wiserman 发表评论于
张戎的book is full of gossips and rumors. Not worth to read!