胆子大一点。不可能每个人都联系。挑一些和蔼可亲的人(像我这种的)。有点知识,深沉,不是一直呱啦呱啦讲话的那种。拿到名片后要立刻瞄一眼,看看这个人是不是您要结交的对象。如果是就可以说,以后我有问题,可以跟您联络吗?Do you mind ......? 当然,他们会说他们不mind 的。可是也不能每个人都如此。总之,放轻松一点。我们说Networking 非常重要。我九月份要参加一个FDA 及AAPS 在DC 办的药品稳定性培训。我相信一定很多老中会去的。这就是一个很好可以认识同行的机会。过去几年,我的主要对象是FDA的官员。只要脸皮厚一点,不怕生,问题就解决了。况且,一般美国人在这种场合,人人都是君子。很乐于帮助别人,这样更显出他很了不起,有学问啊。对不?只要不伤大雅,夸奖两句譬如 Oh, I enjoy your presentation very much. It is very informational. It is very beneficial to me. I really appreciate your......其实他们有的时候也是在吹牛,不过给他们赏个脸,拉拢关系吗。又扯远了!我会在我的文里适时插入我亲身的经历。不是吹的,那年我到FDA开 End Phase II meeting, 几个官员我都熟,他们未必记得我,可是,我记得很清楚,我说我在那个会议听过您发表过。。。他们都会立即回应说,啊,想起来啦。其实,真想起,假想起都无所谓,最少场面上是维持住了。下来,我们公司的几个VP都呆了。频频说我认识的人可真不少。有时候,FDA官员,还会在发表完后,亲自过来向我解释说他发表的都是老东西。叫我不要介意。我立刻回答,本来这些东西都是基本原理,10年以前就这样,10年以后还是这些法规,不会有多大变化的。他高兴,我也挺乐。就这样,我们的关系就建立起来了。以后,我去面试,我就告诉雇主,我认识FDA的谁谁,到了这个份上,你还不给我工作,你这个公司没辙了。不去也罢。好了,就此,打住。谢谢您的浏览与问题。
I have the same feeling as "wo mei wen hua" (sorry that I can't type Chinese on my computer). Can you please give us your suggestions at your convenient time? Thank you!
I think the important is to know how to find a good reference. I used Chinese reference sometimes. First, they have to know me very well. Secondly, he has to have the credibility, and then his English is very important. There are many ways to say good things about the candidate. You have to use accomplishment, personality etc. to convince the hiring manager. But my most of references are American. There is one drawback is that the American supervisors or co-workers, they will not brag about you, they always tell the truth. Therefore, you have to be darn sure that they will give you a good reference. When I have time, I am going to write something in the future about the way to find the jobs and the way to interview people or to be interviewed. Thank you for your reading and question.
iamhereforfun 发表评论于
Based on your experience, Do you think the reference from American coworker will be more convincing and powerful than a referenc from a Chinese co-worker , assuming you work in the USA ?
JanAiZhang 发表评论于
yijibang 发表评论于
我的这个老板大名是Dr. Marvin Oftedahl. 文中提到的周先生,中文名不知,英文名是Dr. Jimmy Jou.两位都是难得的好人,都有学者风范,也都是很好的管理阶层的经理。