Gagawoo 网友的话一点不错, "You can only win over other people's hearts by giving your heart to them first. You were doing business with Yingying."
叫我说, 你当找终身伴侣跟到小菜场买斤青菜一样啊?
没有decency的男人让你碰到同样不三不四的女人, 本来倒是正好凑成一对儿. 不过没成最好, 省得以后法院省理你们的离婚官司还要花纳税人的钱.
土村药师 发表评论于
金色的麦田 发表评论于
看人世间 发表评论于
womaninhome 发表评论于
Other than you sent her ten thousand dollars in the end, everything you did was wrong... She deserves you acutually. both of you are very greedy. she is greedy for your money and over-seas status, you are greedy for her looks. so you deserve each other. Good story. Nice ending.
三筒妹妹 发表评论于
strad 发表评论于
夕雾 发表评论于
哈哈 这样那个女的还有你都是已婚的人了!将来结婚也算是2婚了 这个可能是那个女孩子最大的损失吧
blackjack8 发表评论于
really like your story.
gagawoo 发表评论于
You can only win over other people's hearts by giving your heart to them first. Yes, it will be painful sometimes if you open your heart first without reservation, but that's the only way you can harvest true love.
This is NOT a funny story at all. If you are honest, you should admit that you were doing a business with Yingying. Although you had some crash on her because she is good-looking, you did not love her at all. Why did you have sex with her??? There is nothing wrong with what Yingying did. If you want to be practical, your should allow others (women in this case) to be practical as well. 所谓“己所不欲,勿施于人”。
Please, go to find a woman where your heart is, not a woman for polishing your face! You will have to pay for it at the end of the day.