欧美经典特播-- The Mummers' Dance等五联播
/>01 - The Mummers' Dance—Loreena Mckennitt />
/>02 - And I love you so---Kamahl’s />
/>03 - Edelweiss--薄雪花/>
/>04 - In Praise Of Christmas-- Loreena Mckennitt />
/>05 - Are you lonesome tonight---Kamahl’s />
聆听The Mummers' Dance-- Loreena McKennitt
Loreena Mckennitt,一位凯尔特风格的歌手,学过十年的古典钢琴,有五年的声乐训练经验,是位颇具音乐素养的歌星,她的音乐并非纯净的爱尔兰风味,中间多了一些动态的元素。同时她也是一位讲故事的高手,将古诗歌与传统音乐巧妙的相结合到了一起,将古老的故事与传说用她那如浮在空中的轻羽般轻灵缥缈的声音讲述,伴着迷人的音乐让你的耳朵与心灵共享。

The Mummers' Dance描写的是春季Stratford 的一个夜晚,婆娑的树叶衬托蓝色的天空,随着风而摇摆的树枝条,好像是一群人在默默的不停的舞蹈。穿着红舞鞋,这舞蹈永不能停下,在所有的白日与黑夜,从每一个春天与秋天,自过去到今天到明日。 黄色的酢浆草花在荒野上沸腾,风笛穿行,鼓声从未停息,这节奏没有止境。在游吟诗人缓长的吟唱中,长发飞扬,舞步滑移,前一步,后一步,命运从脚下延伸...... 瞬间与永恒,摇摆里,拾取时光之河的波浪,缀上花冠,上一支舞与这一舞间,能否听到花朵开落的声音? 永不能停止,这是唯一的武器,灵魂只为舞蹈存在。这是艺者之舞,这是命运之舞。或者兴致盎然,或者意兴阑珊......

when in the springtime of the year
when the trees are crowned with leaves
when the ash and oak, and the birch and yew
are dressed in ribbons fair
when owls call the breathless moon
in the blue veil of the night
the shadows of the trees appear
amidst the lantern light
we've been rambling all the night
and some time of this day
now returning back again
we bring a garland gay
who will go down to those shady groves
and summon the shadows there
and tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
in the springtime of the year
the songs of birds seem to fill the wood
that when the fiddler plays
all their voices can be heard
long past their woodland days
we've been rambling all the night
and some time of this day
now returning back again
we bring a garland gay
and so they linked their hands and danced
round in circles and in rows
and so the journey of the night descends
when all the shades are gone
"a garland gay we bring you here
and at your door we stand
it is a sprout well budded out
the work of our lord's hand"
we've been rambling all the night
and some time of this day
now returning back again
we bring a garland gay
we've been rambling all the night
and some time of this day
now returning back again
we bring a garland gay
谨以此帖播致谢: BBsBB兄, 深谢馈赠及真挚的情谊! 紧紧握手! (肖萧)