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Anselm是德国人,他父亲是法兰克福时报的主编,见过,访问过无数的人,名字里虽然没有“VON” 这个字,但属于没吃过猪肉也看过猪跑的人. 我和Anselm曾经在一家德国公司共事,那年正好赶上德国统一,我俩在公司食堂的角落里,啃着鸡肉沙拉三明治,喝着健怡可乐,评头论足第一批东德过来的实习生。在我眼里,Anselm很贵族。他所有的衬衫袖口上都有他姓名的第一个字母,衣柜里像一个色卡,衣服由浅到深排队挂列。西装都是一个店里订制的,他家祖宗三代都用这家店。我说他是贵族,他说错,他只是资产阶级,比较臭讲究。他说,贵族向来衣来伸手,饭来张口,衣服都是佣人买的,他们不在乎。

“这些实习生呢?” 我问。

“都是小资产阶级,崇拜贵族,你看,省吃俭用买了好东西,小心翼翼怕弄坏,弄脏了,活得太仔细.” 他最后总结说,有无产阶级作风的有钱人就是贵族.



                                                             --  洪晃
flamenco_girl 发表评论于
Ya, you are right Melly. I used to enjoy reading Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen type of classic novels during college and graduate school years. The "nobility" image was pretty much like what you described. I guess, with time passing by, there will be 新贵 being produced. The 贵族 has the foundation, manner, life style, and attitude, which have to be built up through several generations. 暴发户 can't make it. I can feel clearly the sense of class in Hong Kong. Maybe the same in Europe.

Your English is very good, has rich vocabulary. People make mistakes even in native language. Don't worry about it.
melly 发表评论于
Oops, many typos. Sorry. I bet you understand. hehe..
melly 发表评论于
It is interesting. I have not been think of the word "nobility" for a while.

As far as I know, the nobility was the scoial class mainly composed by those who originated from royal families, either the offsprings or the relatives. They were not only weathlthy materially, but also versatile and well-rounded.They despised rich people without good education background.

As for those who possess many classic masterpieces on shelf without reading even skimming can only be defined as petty bourgeois.

The brightside is even if one was not born in a noble family with a noble birth, he/she has great chance to pursue noble spirit and personality.