I support you, too. 做人在先,行医在后。不要怀疑自己,你做的是对的,他们有权批评你的EMOTIONAL,你也有权坚持自己的PRINCIPLE.
流沙随风 发表评论于
Viv2006 发表评论于
可怜的落花,你真的是一个好善良的人!其实生活是这样的,作选择总是很难的,尤其对有相对高的标准和要求的人来说。世事都有两面,我们只能尽力做的完满,当然定义“完满”又是很主观的。做医生难,因为你的选择对病人意味着生存与死亡,对家属意味着失去和拥有,这份责任太大,也太重!而这份难对任何一位医生来说都是一样的,还是不要太自责吧,更请不要因为与别人执行尺度不同而不快。Please don't be so hard at yourself, everybody is different, that is what makes the world, even though Medicine suppose to be Science where criteria can be applied...Anyway, I guess to always try our best and be true to ourselves is probably the way to go. I know deep down in your heart, you know what you should do and will do, 'cause you are such a smart girl (with a sweetheart), take good care!
I completely support your decision at that time. Emotional people make good doctors. In a lot of situations they make better doctors than people who are completely detached. I know this from all the excellent doctors I know, including several of my family members.
Follow your heart and be proud of yourself. You really did not do anything wrong :)