Making the World Safer---for Bankers |
送交者: gd2 2005年12月30日19:57:06 于 [儿童成长] |
Making the World Safer---for Bankers By Henry Makow Ph.D. International bankers live in fear. Not of starvation, disease or war. These are the concerns of children in the Third World. Bankersare terrified we might object to paying them billions each year ininterest for money they create out of nothing, guaranteed by our taxes.(The Federal Reserve Board, a private cartel of mostly foreign banks,finagled this monopoly in 1913, contrary to the US Constitution.) The bankers are frightened that, like the homeless man's dog, we might say, "I can do this myself." They are scared the government might go even further and "default" on trillions of make-believe "debt." They are frightened of losing "control." In order to sleep more soundly, the bankers have taken "steps." Theseprecautions help us to understand the world we live in, why it isbecoming safer for bankers but less safe and more bizarre for everyoneelse. First, people with money machines tend to have a lot offriends. The bankers helped their friends establish monopolies in oil,chemicals, pharmaceuticals, transportation, media,etc. and took ahealthy stake. As you can imagine, these people are thick as thieves.Lawyers, journalists and intellectuals all vie for a piece of theaction. (Servicing this cartel of cartels is what passes for successthese days.) The bankers' first precaution is to buy all thepoliticians. The second is to buy the major media outlets in order topromote the illusion politicians make decisions and represent ourinterests. The third precaution is to take control of the educationsystem, ensuring that people stop thinking at an early age. |