where are 中国的一代精英/栋梁之才?

where are 中国的一代精英/栋梁之才? Now that they are
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来源: PoorKids?07-01-06 21:53:07 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]
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not likely in US, nor likely in China,...

Perhaps there aren't any significant number of 中国的一代精英/栋梁之才 anywhere in the world...

Now, what's left for China? 1.3B of "Useless Eaters"?! Unfortunately,
this is what the US elites' view of Chinese--in US or in China.

Something not quite good for China, no matter how many skyscrapers
one can count in Putong...

And why 中国的一代精英/栋梁之才 are missing???!!!

Good night.