

关 - 如果你决定关,就坚决关到底,无论他怎麽叫。开始几个星期会很难,会不停地叫,门一开就想跑,还会抓门口的地毯。所以要忍住,进出门要小心,在门前贴双面胶如果抓地毯,这样他一踏上就粘脚就不愿去了。

了解 - You can also learn a lot about the cat just by being a good observer. Open yourself up to observing the cat rather than making it what you think it should be, and you’ll learn a lot。The cat will let you know when it wants to be left alone, when it wants to eat, where it would be comfortable having its litter box or scratching post-if you are paying attention to its signals.

接触 - 因为他是流浪猫,不习惯被抱被摸被主动接近,所以一开始要给他个人空间。如果被他抓,经常地被他抓,也是意料之中的,他只是保护自己,并无恶意伤害你,所以也要忍住,不会永远这样。Don’t push too fast. Let the cat initiate interactions for the first week or two. You will need to go especially slow if the cat is fearful or skittish. If you try to force the cat to be friends before it is ready, that may cost you its trust. Don’t attempt to pick up or touch the cat if it is not comfortable with your doing so. Accept whatever amount of contact the cat is willing to offer and gradually work from there. You can try to coax the cat out of its shell by offering it food treats. Sit down in the same room as your cat, toss a food treat in its direction and wait for the cat to grab it. Next, toss a treat a little closer to you, then closer and closer until finally you are simply placing the treat on your lap or hand. But take your time doing this: Depending on how timid the cat is, it may take several weeks until the cat is comfortable taking food treats from your hand.

生活routine – 猫是习惯动物。Establish routines. Have regular routines from the first day you bring home the cat. Some of the most important routines are how often and when you play with the cat, regular mealtimes, the normal activity level in your household, and morning and evening rituals for your family and for the cat. If you’re constantly changing how things are done at home, you’re going to have a very confused cat. Established routines and attitudes help your cat learn to trust you because they know what to expect. 还有,他是自由惯了,开始肯定不习惯天天被关在家里的生活.但一旦你决定要把他当indoor猫养,就要坚持到底,因为你懂得这样做对他身体好,牺牲一些自由是值得的,以后可以训练他遛猫。

体检 – 尽快带去体检,打针和做绝育手术,有虫还要杀虫,开始被虫咬一两次是可能的,家里被他洒一两次尿也是不可避免的。

猫笼 - 有个猫笼去医生那儿会方便得多。可以先借一个,我的第一个猫笼是同事给的。A second choice would be a pillowcase, which is more difficult for the cat to escape than a cardboard box.

猫友- 在这儿网上有许多猫友,在生活中也要有猫友, 这样会对养猫很有帮助, 特别是本地人。你就知道哪个兽医好,到哪去买什莫,有困难可以找人帮忙。

我的体会 - 只要我们想好我们要做什麽,并知道我们要做的是对的,其他一切困难都是可以克服的,因此也是暂时的。住的地方小又怎样,条件不好又怎样, 钱少又怎样,陪他的时间不多又怎样, 我们给了他一个家和爱呀,还有比这更重要的吗?有我们一天吃的就有他一天吃的,有我们一天住的就有他一天吃的,不离不散的一家人了。我的小喵的生活条件肯定不是最好,但我自信它比许许多多的比我有钱家的猫都更得宠,更快乐,也更长寿。
