我没学过弹钢琴,但也许因会识简谱,买来就能弹会唱的歌,当然是没伴奏的。也很想弹点钢琴曲,借了一本怎样识五线谱的书,对着"致爱丽丝"就学了起来。记得全曲弹下来时,五线谱还没搞对,以为升调号只管紧接着的那个音,而不是一节里的同一个音,曲子自然也是错弹的。后来听了一下原曲,再看书才搞懂。接下来,学了"水边的阿蒂霓娜"和"爱情的故事",这些都是C调的。接下来想学一个非C调的,就找了"秋的禺语"(禺差口旁,L for Love played by Clayderman),录在磁带的两面上,从小石城去匹兹堡再回来,开车听了一路,基本记下来了。我不会看着谱弹,所以必须把谱背下来再弹。四个曲后,就背不了了,也没开始那么努力。以后每次在朋友那,就把四个曲接着弹一便。熟悉的朋友戏称我弹的是"老四篇",不知道的往往赞不绝口,以为我弹得多好。多少年后,"老四篇"变成了"老三篇",又慢慢地变成了"老二篇",现在我希望能保住这"老二篇"就满意了。当然如果有机会,我倒很想学一下左手的即兴伴奏,但一直没看到这种教材。
I may remember the song, but it dose take many practices to play piano music since both hands involved. I try to remember the music first, then I have to practice to remember the hands position.
gy79 发表评论于
very interested how do you remember long music notes
without physical hand help (practice). I can play quite many
popular classical pieces. Sometimes just from what I have heard before. I can also improvision on simple songs
(I, ii, IV, V, I) .
However, I found the most difficult thing is both hands timing, I almost can not sight reading while with both hands syncronized when encounted with little complicated left hand notes. Knowing Janpu is big plus for adults, you can quickly get right hand going. In fact, I think traditional wetsern line-space staff noting system is totally outdated and hard to embed any logic in it to help memorize.