闲着无聊,打开电视一个一个频道翻翻, Sky TV ,只有两个外语台还全都是阿拉伯语。就在此时,老車在衣柜里面居然发现了一个嵌在墙里面的保险柜。真是想不出在金融如此发达的今天,难道还会有人带成箱成捆的美钞英镑进医院?这保险柜是做什么的呢?噢,想起来了,中东那些阔太太富小姐们一定有成堆的钻石珠宝挂在身上,做手术的时候是不能带进去的。可是转念又一想,她们又为什么手术当天一定非要带到医院里头来呢,越想就越为此保险柜的存在意义提出了严重的质疑。于是当下觉得自已实在无聊,自已都穷得叮当响了,还在琢磨富人的事情。于是对老車就是一嗓子, ' 把我们带的烧饼油条暂时存进去,等我手术醒过来,让 room service 热热,再摆上来。 '
麻醉师轻拍我的小嫩手在找血管,还习惯地职业性地说: 'What do you do for living?’ 我心头还在想老車,就想他什么费话也别说,一针打倒我就拉倒,我就不觉得饿了。还问个什么。所以就没好气地说, 'What profession I should say to ease the pain?’ 麻醉师一听,行啊,这不象新手呀,是老同志嘛,暗号都对上了。当然啰,今年一年,我好象把一生的手术都做掉了,也是可以算大师级的东方不败型的病人了。
我就这样又昏昏地睡了两个小时,沙大师来了,带了一叠精美的彩色照片。口若悬河,逐条论证,又一番摆事实讲道理, ' 所以病症 A+B+C+D ,都以最 effective 的措施 dealt with ;原以为的病症 B 和 C ,经过细致调查,现场勘测,其实是由 A 引起的另外问题。所有有关生孩子的零件都拨乱反正,大修过了。最后结论是:从理论上,你已经恢复了自然生育的能力。 '
YaYa, I'm very happy for you that you found the true love. Not very many people can honestly say so. I'm a little jealous. Hehe. As for babies, in my opinion, it'll be great, if I an have my own babies, but that's not the most important part of having kids. Adoption is always an alternative. A lot of kids in the world need a home and love. Still I wish one day you can have your own kids. IF NOT, try adoption. You might be suprised how rewarding adoption can be. My sister-in-law and her husband adopted a Chinese girl 4 years ago. They're very happy about what that little girl has brought to them.
Yaya, sorry i do not know how to type Chinese characters on my computer.
I have been a regular visitor to www.wenxuecity.com since 1999. My favourites have been the news and cooking (si fang) sections. Throughout these years I have never had the desire to register myself and participate in any way. But your articles struck me. After reading ALL your articles here, I wanted to say something and so here I am - got mysefl registered right away.
Of course I hope you will have your baby soon. But IF not (I say IF), and if you fancy, you are always welcome to meet us, my son. He is three and a half years old. Just some brief information about who we are: I came to England in 1999 to study for my first degree and then a PhD. After that I started a research job at a university in England. My husband is also from China and had similar educational experience in the UK as I, but he started a job in the industry. We met, got married and had our first child in England.
If you wish, please indicate and I will leave you my contact information.
I read all your articles follow the 'green card' one. I love your writing and very happy that you have 'lao che' such a nice partner. I have the similiar problem and already have operations 4 times in the past couple of years. I was told that IVF is the only way that I can have baby one day. I might have to give up finally, as different from your man, my partner is not keen to have any kids. You are lucky girl. all the very best. I look forward to hearing your good news and read more of your interesting articles.