说说最近看完的两本小说。都是趁着 Barnes & Nobles 减价买的。(B&N 的这个减价是 40% off previous best sellers,还是硬皮的。)
一本是讲魔术师的。叫做 Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell。英国人写的。和那个 Lost in a good book 系列类似,都是写 "parallel (fictional) universe"。这本讲的是英法战争年代的两个有名的魔术师 (一个是另一个的师傅)。据书里说,魔法分两种:theoretical and practical (理论派和实践派)。这两个都是实践派。他们两个法力高强,徒弟还亲自去战场为英国效力。师徒性格截然不同,导致中途反目。后来徒弟想要驾驭仙界的精灵 (fairy),遭到精灵的报复。
chic 发表评论于
亲爱的 agentsmith,
Good question! 好多时候事情的发生发展结束和我们的思想无关。2005 年我虽然“做”了很多思考,但大多数的思考是属于原地打转、死胡同一类的。到了2007年,回看两年前的自己,也不晓得要如何评价 - 不过确实庆幸那一页在机缘巧合之下已经翻过去了!现在我可以有大把时间“思考”其他人生问题了。。。 ;)
Just reading your old articles, really like this one:
since it was dated 2005, my question is:现在想明白了没? in year 2007?
agentsmith 发表评论于
菜买完了没? 呵呵,不急不急.....
chic 发表评论于
My life is never dull, I guess. But it's not exactly fun... ; )
Enjoy your trip! I said something to you under the earlier post but I'm not sure if you've seen it. Just in case you didn't, I'll paste it below:
Dear XYZ: I saw that you were going back home and I chose not to say anything. Because I was (and still am) very very very jealous. I want to go home too!! : ( But I can't. No vacation time and no money. : (
Still, I'll try to be a bigger person ;P and wish you a safe journey and a great time. And I will miss your company in this "city"!!
Do take lotsa and lotsa of pictures. And again, have a wonderful time!