self criticism + self admiration all in the space of one blog

Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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the other day i was thinking: my blog is so boring. i would have never read if it werent written by myself.

(it does get more and more boring, but mind you when it was younger, it did appear fresher.)

well, what do you expect from a one-trick pony??


i want to write down whatever comes to my mind. you see the train of my thoughts runs a million miles per second and i constantly find myself doing a monologue in my head.

i dont know why i always have so much to say. i'm unstoppable and inexhaustible.

now that my life is in a new stage and it seems that i finally settled down, i'm thinking that i will dedicate this blog to my cultural "endeavours". you know books movies music the usual stuff.

i will limit the touches on my personal life to the tone of my "entertaining" bitching! haha.

you may say well what's the difference from before?

well, the difference is me! i'm a changed me! QED.

btw, i switched back to my diary where i can be true and abusive! hohoho!

the other day i read some stuff that i wrote more than a year ago. and i cracked myself up (there, look who's the ultimate narcissist!)

i was bitching about somebody who clearly pissed me way off and i said:

"... like s/he suddenly upgraded to the 2nd most boring person on the face of earth!"

got it? i thought that was pretty neat!




chic 发表评论于
To: 姜太公钓鱼

Sorry didn't see your comment until today. Just answered it below. Cheerios~
chic 发表评论于
Dear Agent, that's probably not healthy the way we talk to ourselves. But what the heck, we all have our vices... ; )

And the clues for the next phase of your life will dawn on you - that's usually how it works out. And while you are waiting for a "sign", enjoy the in-bwteeen time!

And sorry to disappoint you, but by diary, I'm actually referring to my old-fashioned "pen on paper" diary. But I will still come here since I have so much to say, a single diary will no way hold it all! : )

You take care too and enjoy the summer~~~
agentsmith 发表评论于
got it! hehe, I can't agree more with you on "i constantly find myself doing a monologue in my head." yeah, I do that too. is that healthy?
congratulations on you as being a changed you! regardless what that means; btw, I think I am in the changing phrase too, even though still have no clue where the direction might be, anyhow, glad you switched back to your dairy, cause I will definitely enjoy reading it.....xixi.....take care.