During 二二八, the mob wanted to throw all the "Chinese pigs" into the sea. They tried to kill all who don't speak Japanese ot Taiwaness.... Chen ShuBian's 228 record didn't say these facts.
Wiserman 发表评论于
二二八和六四are totally different things!
During 二二八, the mob wanted to throw all the "Chinese pis" into the sea. They wanted to kill all the people who could not speck Taiwanese/Fujianese or Japanese. It's a "racial" related issue. We all know that some Japanese were back them up at that time. They wanted Taiwan to split from China again, and "return" to Japan. Now, the liar Chen ShuiBian is in power at Taiwan, he distorted all the facts about 228. Only idiot believe their story. ... ...228 and 64 are completely different. Never should put these two together!
Augustus 发表评论于
Wiser man 如何如此不 wise,却如泼妇骂街,可惜,可惜。
"沉默的陌生人" is an idiot!
He distored all the facts - mingled tha true and false that want to confuse people. That is his intention. Why do we need to waste time to discuss with him. Just spit him, that's all.
"沉默的陌生人" is an idiot!
He distored all the facts - mingled tha true and false that want to confuse people. That is his intention. Why do we need to waste time to discuss with him. Just spit him, that's all.
Wiserman 发表评论于
"沉默的陌生人": you don't assume that I am "象你这样的大陆人真是 ". I can tell you now that I lived in Taiwan longermuch than you! You just know nothing, stupid 100%!!!
If you were my student, I will never let you pass.
Wiserman 发表评论于
"沉默的陌生人" is low in IQ. We don't need to discuss with him! He just argue with people and conflict with his own words.
"沉默的陌生人": don't assume that I am "象你这样的大陆人真是 ". I can tell you now that I oved in Taiwan long than you! You just know nothing, stupid 100%!!!
我写的东西没有一点自相矛盾的地方,只是你根本就看不懂,或者你的观点是建立在你自己的假设前提下的,因为你习惯于口口声声给别人‘定性’100%这样,100%那样,暴露了你的文化教育来历。我知道你最终是只能‘跑’的,因为你根本不能回答那些由你自己的攻击性语句所引发的问题,我没有必要‘slap your own face’,而你已经把自己的脸给骟下去了,因为有了像你这样的人,大陆和台湾的关系就永远好不了,大陆和世界的关系也永远好不了。我说你“明明是一个中共暴政下的可怜小民,却要把自己打扮得向一个‘高干’。”而后是“不要与你‘主子’的‘二.二八’的基调南辕北辙了”,这个‘主子’是打引号的,小学生都能看懂,就是指那些鲁迅笔下的“没有主人的‘走狗’”,你为什么要赶紧自我辩解、有意提高自己的级别呢?还有你说自己是‘a serionr who talk with authority’还不知道是‘a senior who talk with authority', ’Read you own wrtings’or‘Read you own writings’,... 中国语文也不懂,英文也看了让人‘看不懂’,说着说着还来一个‘You bitch!’。这样丢人现眼的人也想跑到美国网站上靠表现‘激进’来骗取一些政治资本,这样的人还能是从哪里来的呢?
最后,还有一点我要向大家说明,本人根本不是台湾人或是来自台湾,但本人之所有言论均以维护中国利益为根本出发点,而且不论对方是胡锦涛还是‘文化流氓’,本人都会以一样的口气说话。不像某些人,他对胡锦涛也能说‘You bitch!’吗?只有在中共教育体制下,才会产生一些对被认为是‘敌人’的人就可以随便乱骂‘You bitch!’之类的话,还被认为是‘爱国者’,原因就是这个体制认为所有此类行经是对的,只要是对他们认定的‘敌人’,什么都可以说得出来、作得出来。而现实的国际世界是,什么事都是应该有分寸的,所以那些自以为‘wisdom and credit’的人,无论跑到那里都能很容易地让普通人分辨出来,而近日里他们正在积极地为他们的近期的目标做宣传,试图用英语来扩大影响,混淆视听,只可惜不论他们如何声称他们去过台湾、‘a serionr who talk with authority, wisdom and credit’,但一开口,马上就能被人辨认出来。中国目前正是向着‘和平统一’迈进,但讲的是方式方法,大家千万要通过思考想问题,不要轻易上某些战争狂人的当。然而,我们必须让各种声音可以发出来,这才是真正的民主,真正的民主是绝不会不让人开口说话的,这就是民主与反民主的区别,不对吗?
Wiserman 发表评论于
To: 沉默的陌生人
Read you own wrtings, they are conflicting each other. Just slap your own face. Waste my time. (I know how to use Copy-Paste to put some Chinese in my writing, OK?!) You are logically messed up. Bye!
沉默的陌生人: 评论于:2007-06-08 06:58:56 [回复评论]
‘wisdom and credit’,你不必不打自招,这里还没有一个人说你‘nothing to do with 中共权贵’or ‘anything to do with 中共权贵’,你为什么要自己声明‘nothing to do with 中共权贵’?既然你的Chinese word processor 可以输入中文字,你有何必去刻意输入英文?既然你有意去刻意输入英文,有何必要声称‘Chinese word processor is not working’?再怎么样,全世界对于一个人是否愿意怎么输入哪国文字都没有限制,那你有何必顾弄玄虚呢?‘My fellow wisdom and credit’?
统一的中国 is good to the whole world.
And"One China" is also a firm USA national policy!
My fellow world citizens: let's work together to facilitate the reunification of China.
Especially the Chinese should put down all the arguments and differences, just focus on One China.
Wiserman 发表评论于
After reading all the postings, we know that how important to have a 统一的中国 is.
Also "One China" is also firm a USA national policy!
My fellow world citizens: let's work together to facilitate the reunification of China.
Especially the Chinese shiould put down all the arguments and differences, just focus on One China.
Wiserman 发表评论于
"沉默的陌生人" 是100%台独! (You talk like a 100% 台独, don't hide!)
Since my Chinese word processor is not working, I have to type in English. OK?
1] I have nothing to do with 中共权贵, I have never taken any money from them. OK?! I do not depend them at all, no connection. I am a serionr who talk with authority, wisdom and credit. OK?! ///\\\///\\\///\\\
2] My "二.二八" statement is real! Even Mr. LeeAo said the similar thing. When I was in Taiwan, I had talked to many people who had gone through the 228 tragedy personally. 台湾的外省人死的多多多 -- 必要平反!!!台独政府distorted the history! Chen ShuiBien and his gang are real criminals!
3] Now many Taiwanese worship Japanese! ... look at Lee DengHui. He is a typical pure Japanese slave.奴才!
4] Good台湾人were killed by the Japanese, the left over台湾人大都是懦夫,REAL coward懦夫! Compared with the 6.4 students, you台独are nothing!...台湾人粗暴 and cunning(afraid of the stronger and bully the weaker)功利,奴性,与兽性(日本统治期间在台湾文化的血液中留下的), Need re-educated in decent Chinese culture again!
The only solution is: 迎接统一
PS: If you read my writing and dugest, then you will get smarter. If someone pays money to you and asked you to write some anti-Chinese articles, don't do it, it not worth it!
二、朝國家廣場開槍之事,美國自己,也早優為之。試看一九三二年美國歷史上「酬恤金進軍事件」(Bonus March),便知端詳。一九三二年七月,美國經濟恐慌已進入第三年,全國失業處處,民不聊生。這時第一次世界大戰的退伍老兵,難於維生,齊集首都華盛頓廣場,要求提早發紿退伍軍人酬恤金,以利生活。 這筆酬恤金,本是美國政府一九二四年答應二十年後即一九四五年發放的退伍資助金、補償金,資助、補償他們在第一次世界大戰的保國衛民行動。但是,一九三二年的全國經濟大蕭條,使他們不願再等了。因此成群結隊,帳蓬搭到「美國天安門」前,要求提前發紿。他們全部人數,是一萬七千人。七月二十八日,美國政府無法忍耐了,乃由參挚傞L麥克阿瑟將軍主持驅離行動。據美國傳記作家倫納德.莫斯利(Leonard Mosley)的「馬歇爾傳」(MARSHALL HERO FOR OUR TIMES)描述:「馬歇爾因為執行別的任務,沒有被派到街上去執行包圍老兵和他們家屬的骯臟勾當,他為此暗自慶幸。他的一些老同事卻深深被卷了進去,例如,第一次世界大戰期間的同事喬治.S.巴頓奉命指揮坦克、步兵和騎兵,保護華盛頓紀念碑,『和打垮退伍軍人遠征軍』。無論從那方面來說,巴頓都沒有必要命令他的步兵,這種忘恩負義,尤為中國所不及。威爾遜總統曾說「美國第一」(American first),如此無情,不是第一還是什麼呢?
Wiserman 发表评论于
"沉默的陌生人" 的评论是80%有误! nonsense! You should read more history. 你是台独! You are distorting the facts!
你会咆啸: "外省猪滚回去........"的. It's waste time to talk to you! 在你的身上已经找不到太多像人的特质, 不要幻想和你讲道理,不要去幻想和平统一 !
Now, I'll correct a few things in your writing. ///\\\///\\\///\\\
1] 你说, "...试想,全世界有几个国家/地区的政府和人民敢接受一个用机枪和坦克来对付自己国家人民的统治者?..."
--> You are wrong! If you read the history. Many many countries have used brutal force to wipe out the rebellion/mob who wanted to overthrow the government. Japan, USA, Korea,Germany... they all have done this type things in the past! Some of them are more severe than 6.4.///\\\///\\\///\\\
2]你说, "...台湾人一向就抗拒强权,这是当地多数民族的民族性格,反满清侵略、反西班牙侵略者,反日本人时一开始光被日本人直接杀的就有一百多万人,然而反抗也一直没有停止过 ...汉人又做过什么?..."
--> 2-a) Now the Taiwanese worship Japanese! This is a special feaature of slavery nature of Taiwan people. Just look at Lee DengHui. He is a typical pure Japanese slave.奴才!
2-b) The most majority of 台湾人的DNA for sure is大陆的汉人DNA. The mix of very minor of Dutch(only 38 years and few thousand soliders) and aboriginal native(PingPu人) are very few. At that time, 大陆的汉killed the PingPu的男子 and married with some of their women. Are you the decendent of this ugly group? Your grand-grand--mother was rubbed by your grand-grand father who killed her man? That's shame!
2-c) According record: LiangZhan is the 9th generation (less than 200 years)from Mainland. Chen ShuiPien is the 6th generation from Mainland(only 120-150 years ago - the average of Taiwanese). ... "反西班牙侵略者" haha, your ancestor not even in Taiwan, still in Mainland, at that time! How can you forgot your ancestor so fast??? You bitch!
2-d) 台湾人大都是懦夫, Good台湾人were killed by the Japanese. Just look at Chiang KaiShick era, all the anti-中国的台独 escaped from Taiwan and hid outside. They didn't have the courage to come back to fight against Chiang KaiShick. Really coward懦夫! Compared with the 6.4 students, you台独are nothing!
2-e) Japanese killed 680,000 Chinese in Taiwan during its occupation - per Taiwan University history research paper by Professor Wang XiaoPo. Not as you said 1,000,000.///\\\///\\\///\\\
3] 你说, "...‘二.二八’中台湾人又死了多少?..."
二.二八’中 -- 外省人死的much more than台湾人多, So many single 外省人were killed by "台湾人" without any tracking! Later the KMT soldier only went after the trouble makers, not try to kill everyone. They just want bring the society back to order. Now, 民进党in power. They distorted all the story. They said there were tens of thousands were killed. ...buwith every effort they did, they only got 600+ people on the list, with some tricky add-ons, they got a total of 800 some people. lie lie lie 这就是台独... 不要幻想和他们讲道理 也不要去幻想和平统一 ...///\\\///\\\
4] 台湾人粗暴(afraid of the stronger and bully the weaker)而功利,奴性与兽性(日本统治期间在台湾文化的血液中留下的), Need re-educated in decent Chinese culture again!
The only solution is: 迎接统一!!!
希望中国政府学墨西哥政府也支持本国公民去犯 Russia 的法: go to Siberia. It is part of the old holy homeland of a sector of the Chinese.
Wiserman 发表评论于
Please do not erase my comment!
You did rease my comment yesterday!
Shame on you!
墨西哥人do not think corssing "border" is 是犯法。They think that they are coming back to their old homeland. So ...拉美裔社团在媒体上公开支持这些"罪犯",而且上街游行支持,墨西哥政府也支持本国公民去犯美国的法(Not 墨西哥的法. Haha).
Wiserman 发表评论于
美国occupied a big part of land from 墨西哥 in the past, therefore 墨西哥人do not think corssing "border" is 是犯法。They think that they are coming back to their old homeland. So ...拉美裔社团在媒体上公开支持这些"罪犯",而且上街游行支持,墨西哥政府也支持本国公民去犯美国的法(Not 墨西哥的法. Haha).