A boy with two moms

A boy was born with two moms, who have been living together for about six years.

Catheline and Catherine were female partners. After living together for quite a while, they decided to have a baby. Unlike gay couples, biological trait as women allowed Catherine to take this job, who desired to be pregnant while Catherline apparently disliked bearing a baby. They selected a healthy sperm donor, who looked like Catheline, so that the baby would resemble both of two moms. By in vitro fertilization, Catherine was expecting. Besides, Catherine switched to Catherline’s last name in order to practically sound like a family. They did their best to prepare a relatively easy and normal future for both the baby and themselves. The baby’s birth would be an exciting and brand new experience to them and would completely change their life.

Due to their anti-traditional behavior, they undoubtedly faced a lot of challenges. People kept asking how they would tell the baby about his biological father, who would be the male role model in his future life and so on. Living in a state where homosexual marriage has not been legalized, the gay parenthood and equally shared custody would be a big issue, especially if their relationship fell apart some day.

Surprisingly, they were happy to be the pioneers and fighters. As they said that the tradition was relatively for a period of time. In the early 20th century, for instance, divorce was illegal and against tradition. What they care most now was to be good parents. Even single or divorced parents could nurture their kids very well, they were very confident in their family’s future.

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