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Meat or muscle

儿子把身上捏起来柔软的部分叫meat,能用力鼓起来的部分叫muscle。经常和老爸比谁的muscle多。常常捏捏老爸的腿,说:“All muscles.”

周六和儿子去印第安那州的Turk Run StatePark。父子俩和同行的朋友们爬了5英里的山路。到最后的70级台阶,儿子实在不行了。俺说:“Keep going, son. You know, this is the time that your muscle will build up.”

儿子说:“I know, dad. Muscle is on my legs now. Meat is only on my butts and tummy.”


周六本来计划全家去印第安那州的Turk Run State Park,可女儿的summer job是玉米育种,现在是最繁忙的季节。她不得不取消计划,周末加班。老妈自告奋勇地留家里,接送女儿。早晨六点半老妈送到玉米地里。到老爸傍晚7点到家,女儿穿戴整齐,等老爸带她们出门吃晚饭呢。

“Come on, I am tired. How about tomorrow?” 老爸和女儿商量。

“Daddy, I worked from 6:30 AM until 5:30 PM. A long, long day. You promised. So take us out now.” 女儿抗议了。

“Ok, Ok. Let's go. You know the taste of being a slave now, huh. Still want to be a farmer in the future?” 老爸开玩笑。

“Definitely not! 11 hour work, still the same hourly pay! This is unfair. I guess this is what a slave experienced.”

The meaning of mating

周日和儿子坐在Breakfast Nook吃晚饭。看到后院两只兔子追来追去,就叫儿子:“Look, son, there are 2 rabits in the back yard.”

儿子抬头一看:“They are going to mate soon, I bet.”

“How do you know this?”老爸迷惑不解了。

“I read somewhere from a book.” 儿子回答。

“What does mating mean?” 老爸还不死心地问。

“I forgot.” 儿子想了想。

“Making baby?” 老爸试探一下。

“Yes! But disgusting!”。。。。。。
