老妈和儿子一看女儿的高兴样,忙着打听是什么。老爸一听5分,就知道女儿的微积分AP考试成绩来了。为女儿高兴呢:“See, you made it! This is going to make your transcription much better! Now, your real challenge are your application package and your ACT test in September! Work hard on these.” ................................................................
女儿学校是一所non-AP class的公立高中。所以,大多数孩子都没有AP分数。微积分是唯一的例外,所有上该课的孩子都要考。女儿这门课上得很辛苦,第一学期是C,第二学期勉强得了个B。这个成绩一直让女儿有包袱:整个高中,就两门课拿C,(另一门是拉丁文。)让她的高中成绩单难看了点。上学期最后两个月,老爸就给她说:“Forget about your grade now. All colleges know that your school is tough on grading. As long as you can get a 4 or 5 in AP test, you are fine. That is the real way to compare you with kids in other schools.”
看来最后的努力没有白费。考完后,微积分的老师还特别和女儿对了答案,当时就告诉女儿有可能是4分或5分。我当时就笑话女儿:“Looks like your teacher felt uncomfortable to give you a C. ”