美国职场奋斗记 (17)

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bmn66 发表评论于
yijibang 发表评论于
无根的浮萍 发表评论于
绝对同意. 友谊和信任是在 SOCIAL,HANG AROUND 中慢慢地建立的. 我们中国人在语言和文化上, 和西人差别实在是太大. 很多时候, 根本无法理解很多的习惯用语(SAYING), 相当与我们的"成语"吧. 有时, 我们讲一些认为很有意思的事, 却不小心犯了人家的禁忌. 几次下来, 西人自然没有了继续交往的兴趣.
croupier 发表评论于
yijibang 发表评论于
doublehelix 发表评论于
"However it is important to establish a professional relationship with your boss. They will be your future references and network. A good boss can be a mentor to help your career development as well'

Totally agree - fortunately I have met a couple of supervisors who really help advance my career. Yes - try to build up a professional friendship with boss. You both could become good friends after separation. Thanks for response!
无根的浮萍 发表评论于
简单地说: 中国有句古话, 叫 "潜龙勿用". 这是每个老板都明白的.
啰唆地说: 每个公司的结构的形成, 都有着她的历史. 有些 MANAGER 看起来没有什么水平, 其实是老板的 BUDDY. 对于一个老板来说, 用人的第一条就是要信任. 这种信任不时一年内能形成的. 你的MANAGER 能把你从众多的候选人中发掘出来, 并按时完成任务, 足以证明他没有辜负信任. 在有冲突时, 老板倾向与哪一边是很明显的了. 如果把你给提升了, 估计你下一个目标就是副总了. 谁还敢用你?

更多的感慨: 其实, POLITICS 在不管哪个国家, 文化, 都是很相似的. 我们中国人, 从小就被要求要好好学习, 以考分来换取前程. 我们虽然没有都变成书呆子, 但是却切实地失去了锻炼如何玩 POLITICS 的训练. 现在, 我们都在付出高昂的代价(时间和机会)来学习. 千万别再让我们的孩子吃同样的亏了!
yijibang 发表评论于
yijibang 发表评论于
Agree with all what you have displayed. Thank you very much for reading and sharing with us your thought.
yijibang 发表评论于
If company allows you to go publishing, you should do it by all means. From the publication, your accomplisment will be recognized and sometimes will create an opportunity for you. I am always working in the development area, only the work that we don't think it is valuable or you can present in a very generalized format and then you will be allowed to go to publish. This is particularly true for the big company. You are quite right, never to be a competitor of your boss. I learned from it and doing very well since I was asked to leave. If I look back, not too many good bosses that I have met. On the other hand, one of my former bosses clearly told me that he would encourage my challenging. It turns out that we are still good friends and he is quite successful since then. I will describe this part later in my write up. Thank you so much for your sharing your experience and thought. That is really the motivation for me to keep writing.
慧慧 发表评论于
MayChen 发表评论于

“Also, your boss and you in most cases will not become good friends for real.”

That is true in most cases. However it is important to establish a professional relationship with your boss. They will be your future references and network. A good boss can be a mentor to help your career development as well.
MayChen 发表评论于

“Many times the education you exercised will lead to more trouble for you. “

Totally agreed! From my own observation, many of my American colleagues understand the politics at work better than us and know how to protect and advance themselves.

“On the other hand, after you have accomplished that you may end up with nothing. Many times we are trying to make win-win situation and many times the end results are not what we would like to expect.”

Sadly, most of the companies do not reward their employees based on the value they created. Many of the top management are simply incapable and not mature enough to handle the win-win situation.

Looking forward to hear more stories from you. Thanks for sharing!
doublehelix 发表评论于
"For those who are very productive, do not expect to get rewards from most of the company. You have to learn to share your credits with others, keep low profile, and wait for the right opportunity to move to the next level".

- very good points! Always keep in mind that always try to be the assistant but not the competitor of your boss unless you have to. Also, your boss and you in most cases will not become good friends for real.
doublehelix 发表评论于
I enjoyed reading your articles. In the arena of early drug discovery area (for example, a variety of therapeutic areas), publication is very important, especially for Ph.D-level scientists. It is mainly because the business is a science- and results-driving business. So it is recommended to always manage to publish your results in scientific papers (usually you have to patent the findings if they deserve to be patented). One needs to show evidence to be talented and productive in a certain field. It might be a different story in development field of pharmaceutical companies.
土村药师 发表评论于


JanAiZhang 发表评论于

Thanks for your many helpful points!
JanAiZhang 发表评论于
Such a valuable article!!!
Thanks for sharing the both sides of 职场奋斗 with us!
yijibang 发表评论于
yijibang 发表评论于
I certainly echo what you have just said. It is our duty to educate our boss as they always told us. It is important to know whether your boss is educable or not. Many times the education you exercised will lead to more trouble for you. I realized I made a gross mistake as I described above in moving ahead of my boss. We always hear people say that our job is to make our boss looking good. On the other hand, after you have accomplished that you may end up with nothing. Many times we are trying to make win-win situation and many times the end results are not what we would like to expect. As moving on my story, I will describe some of the better situation. Thank you very much for your reading and comments.
慧慧 发表评论于
MayChen 发表评论于
You are touching a very sensitive issue here. In order to survive in the industry, you have to balance your relationship with your boss and know when is the time to speak out and when you have to be quite and let your boss to take the spotlight. The higher the position you are at, the more important this is going to be. At one of my job, I had to educate my boss in private ahead of time, then he spoke in front of everyone in the company wide meeting as if the ideas were all his.

A lot of managements in the industry did not learn the drug discovery and development process step-by-step, rather they graduated from top-notch university, jumped to very high-level positions very fast, thought they knew everything, and managed company poorly. It is a sad situation, however it is very common in the industry.

For those who are very productive, do not expect to get rewards from most of the company. You have to learn to share your credits with others, keep low profile, and wait for the right opportunity to move to the next level.

As for papers, it is still very important to keep publishing if you are PhD level scientists and want to stay on the science track. You can be creative here, patents, papers on methods, compounds, reviews, abstracts at meetings and symposiums. All will help your career in the long run.
元宝妈 发表评论于

对呀,Report也是Paper。在工业界10多年了,Report无数, No Publications.
yijibang 发表评论于
当然要追问啊。对做研究工作而言,尤其刚从学校出来,著作是重要的。在工业界越久,著作就慢慢的不重要了,尤其干我这一行的。主要的是保密的原因。不要说没有,可以说您在公司里有许多报告,那都是您的Paper啊! 灵活一点。不过,一直很少人问起我有关Paper的事。甚至在我的履历表上,我都不列了。谢谢。
元宝妈 发表评论于
