keep going

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Chapter 2

Nevertheless, the boat on its last voyage, left Hong Kong was now approaching to its final destination- Taiwan.

Although it was only in early summer, Keeloung, the northern seaport of Taiwan was as hot and humid as it could be.  Even worse, a heavy smell of salt and fish filled in the air which made those who had been seasick even more uncomfortable.  In spite of that, people were out on the deck to observe the new land they are going to call home while hopping it would be a shot time to stay.

I had a visit to Keeloung with my parents when I was a young child.  They confirmed the scenery I saw was almost identical to the first impression they had of that place.  Several cargo ships and passenger ships were docked alongside the piers.  Out from those boats, people were moving slowly with their belongings.  loaded with all sort of luggages those flat bedded two wheelers were pulled by uniformed person in the front and pushed by another at the back.  on other piers, there were shore men wearing white T shirts and khaki shorts carrying huge brown sacks on their shoulders, formed two lines between a cargo ship and parked trucks.xxxxxx to be continued.