Masters Bercy 2007年国际标准舞比赛时况

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Masters Bercy Standard Ballroom Dancesport Championship 2007


Flamenco_Girl 发表评论于
海鸥飞处 发表评论于

但 YouTube 的质量实在不敢恭维。画面跳动太厉害,看不到动作的连惯性,常常让人觉得动作来的莫明其妙。比如有一个女舞者突然飞起一脚的画面,因为看不到她(和他)的前0.0几秒的前期动作,感觉不到他们重心的移动,就觉得那一脚很突兀,像是那里突然长出一只脚来,很滑稽。

不过我是不应该在这儿发牢搔的,现在有得看就不错了,没有 YouTube 这样的网站的话,连这样的都看不到呢。还应该感谢主人辛苦找来贴在这儿让我们看。我是连找都不知道怎么找的。 :)

flamenco_girl 发表评论于
The routine for each couple is different, which usually can reflect their strength and style. During competition, their dances are judged by comparison. Although each couple looks great by themselves, you can tell the difference by comparison on the same floor. Indeed, judges' personal opinion and prefered styles are kicked in as well.
melly 发表评论于
With little variation, how the judges determine who is the best and where the international standard ballroom dance will go?

Just curious.