how to answers these behavior questions?

Could someone please let me know how to answer these behavior questions? Thanks!

1. Describe a time when you were frustrated or very stressful with customers/colleagues/bosses and how you coped with it? Give an example

2. Tell me about a situation in which your boss/customer were not 100% satisfied with your work. Give an example.

3. Tell me about a time that your co-worker do not have the technical skills like you to finish the job. Give an example.

4. Describe the your personalities that demonstrate that you are a team player.

5. Give me an example that your intuition (not technical) tells you that you should do the job in different way other than the way you are told.

by realprincess


如果大家在面试的时候碰到一个觉得有些棘手的问题,一定不要慌,静下心来考虑一下interviewer为什么要问这个问题,回答起来就会容易很多。 所以作为准备面试的一个环节,适当的了解一下Interview的方式以及每一种方式的理论根据对面试临场发挥很有帮助。

今天给大家介绍的是一种比较常见的interviewing的approach。behavioral job interview。这种面试方法的理论根据是将来行为会在很大程度上成为过去行为的翻版,所以interviewer想要知道的是在以往的经历里,当你出于某一种情况是你是怎样做的。典型的这一类型的问题为:

"tell me about a time where you confronted an unexpected problem,"
"tell me about an experience when you failed to achieve a goal," and "give me a specific example of a time when you managed several projects at once."

仔细考虑一下不难看出,interviewer之所以问这样的问题是想知道如果将来你在他们公司里做事的时候碰到类似的情况,你会怎样处理。回答这样的问题不像回答1+1,没有一个固定的正确的答案。因为有人的因素,公司文化的因素,你不可能知道怎样的答案对于这个interviewer和这个公司是最好的,但是你可以做到的是有条理的,分层逐步的回答问题。一个比较常见的方法是SAR statement。

"tell me about a time where you confronted an unexpected problem,"

S: situation。回答这个问题是,你首先需要简短的介绍一下an unexpected problem。你遇到了怎样的问题呢?注意哦,这个问题要是unexpected,比如旅行计划突然改变啦,customer的requirment突然改变了,本来三个人参加的会议只有你一个人去参加啦。这是situation介绍。

A: action。针对这样的situation,你采取了怎样的行动。 怎样重新安排时间,怎样和顾客联系,怎样快速的准备会议。

R: result。结果。你的action造成了怎样的result, outcome。如果是成功的话,就具体的谈谈比如旅行计划改变万无一失,比如顾客很满意最后结果签了多少钱的合约,或者会议非常成功。 如果不是很成功的话,这也是不可避免的,就谈谈自己是怎样总结了经验教训,最好可以给一个你是如何在之后的工作学习中apply这个经验教训的。

