西关客 写道: Youare absolutely right about the truthful and insightful. The cases inthe film certainly earned tears. But the credibility of the film isdamaged by showing some faulseful cases and untruthful claim. Forexample, the denied coverage case. The truth was not a denied coverage.
八十一子 写道: Mostpeople in this country would agree that our health care system needs anoverhaul. They just do not agree on the goals and approaches. That iswhy the issue is highly politically charged.
It is a good ideato have a documentary film on this issue in order to promote anation-wide debate. This documentary must be truthful and insightful.Based on what I saw in F9/11, I doubt Moore is capable of producingsuch a film. I am willing to give him the benefit of doubt, however.
What we do not need is a political propaganda that serves no purpose other than further inflaming the issue.