So long, my friend

The last thread of light tried so hard

hanging there, reluctant to leave

it has no choice but go

gradually, inch by inch

it dimmed away

so was her hope

she sat there

in darkness

gave a long sign and murmured

So long, my friend...

kneeling down and raised her hands

in a prayer's position

how she had hoped one day

she would return his kindness

as a friend

now all his help will be tucked down

underneath the seabed of memory

like the pearls and corals

This is it

it is how far it could go

so long, my friend

it is time to let it go...

the silence surrounded her

permeated from head to toe

she shivered a bit

with clarity in mind

she made a last pray

So long, friend

Take care and be well

Standing up, she opens the door

the lights poured on her

stepped outside

leaving the darkness behind...
