A:Hello, my name is XXX, how are you going?
H:I am fine, and yourself?
A:I am fine, thank you! Well, I am calling to inquiry about a position of XXXX you advertised recently. It is a position of…. (简单描述此职位,让中介明白你申请的是什么职位。这里注意不要引用ref no, 没有中介能记住的,你只要说job title和大致的job responsibility对方就应该能recall了。)
I am calling to see if I am eligible to apply that position.
H: Well, could you please introduce yourself?
A: I am an IT support engineer with ** years experiences in the field of ….(这是重点,注意用两三句话间断地突出自己的特长,区别他人。) 并视对方反应跟进。
接下来对方的反应有几个,一是进一步问你的qualification, 那是好兆头。你可以进一步详细阐述。二是告诉你你缺local的经验,不是他需要的人,这时就直接感谢并挂电话了。不用跟进要求见面,因为中介如果觉得有其他合适你的位置他会说这个位置你不一定合适,但把简历给我看看in case有其他合适的职位。如果连这话都不说,那说明对你不感兴趣。留着下次再联系吧。第三种是觉得你可以申请,要你寄简历。
H: Could you please send your resume to me?
A : Sure. I will send my CV to you by applying online. And if it is possible, I would like to come to see you and further explain to you my experience and qualification in the field of… (这是进一步邀约,当然,这样的邀约99%是被拒绝的,因为他没有看到你的简历,不知道你是否值得见一面。但这样的一个邀约很有用。如果对方对你感兴趣就会找你去谈谈,这样就有机会让他推荐你其他职位了。
H:well, please send me your resume first, and I will contact you after I read it.
A: The reason I wish to apply this position is that I have rich experience of … (复述自己与广告要求。这是又一次销售自己的机会,不能简单地说好,我发简历给你) I will send my resume to you within half an hour. My name is …Thanks very much.
A:Hello, my name is XXX, how are you going?
H:I am fine, and yourself?
A:I am fine, thank you! Well, I am calling to follow up an resume I send to you yesterday. It is for a position of….
H: Sorry, what is your name?
A: My name is… I worked for … (简单介绍自己,突出自己的重点。)
这时有几个可能的回答,一是对方说记得你但你资格不够,那就没有办法了。二是对方说还没有看,看了以后会进一步联系。这时你可以说:The reason I wish to apply this position is that I have rich experience of … (复述自己与广告要求。) I was wondering if there is any chance to come to see you and further discuss with you about my qualification.