任有病 Mr.Sick
俺有点怯懦 I am a little tender
因为俺有病 because of my ill
因为俺有病 because of my ill
俺有点举不坚 I am a little softening
因为俺有病 because of my ill
俺有点歇斯底里 I am a little hysteriaing
因为俺有病 because of my ill
俺手有点抖 My hand is thrilling
因为俺怯懦 Arisng from my tender
俺嘴有点磕 My mouth is stuttering
因为反应慢 Arisng from my fool
俺女朋友跑了 My girlfreind is away
因为俺举不坚 Arisng from my soften
俺桑门有点高 My sound is lounding
因为歇斯底里症 Arisng from my hysteria
希望有一天 Wish a certain day
俺手不再抖 I stop my thrilling
希望有一天 Wish a certain day
俺再也不怯懦 I beat my tender
希望有一天 Wish a certain day
俺一举冲破天 I become very hard
希望有一天 Wish a certain day
俺永远不会老。 I am always young .