All About Tofu

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Ourroommate is a Tofu fan, or a Tofu fanatic, if I may say. A classic mealfrom roommate Zheng is bubble tofu mixed with hard tofu, with a bit offlavored tofu, stirred fried with fried tofu skin and veggies. We sharefridge, so besides the grand tofu feast that he prepares daily, we alsogot to witness the "pan-tofu" ideas that's yet coming to table. Take acut from today: lay in the freezer was 2 packages of frozen tofu (tofuafter being frozen becomes more airy and chewy), middle layer hasZheng’s favorite bubble tofu and the lower layer has soy milk, andfried soy skins... In a nutshell, one could not run out of magic waysof eating soy beans (which is what tofu’s made of)!

Soy beans and Tofu were very popular in Yangzi Delta of China.This is the way I grew up – eating tofu, variety of them, drinking soymilk, having green beans, not knowing they are actually same stuff! Inthe pretty complex where we lived, there was a dinning place whichbelonged to the unit where parents worked. They grind soy beans everyafternoon, and people lined up as soon as the place opens. I got backhome from school before parents arrived from work. There was only onething I need to do: pick up a few pieces of fresh-made tofu. There werewhite-soft ones, or “Five Spice Tofu”, as we put it, flavored by soysauce. When I got them in my bag, I could smell the warm and freshness,that I would bite a piece of it.

Anotherof mum’s favorite are Tofu sheets. When we visit relatives at countryside, they’d make them fresh. You roll them like sheets, dip them insoy sauce, here it goes. Nice breakfast.  Mumalso makes soy milk sometime, for the fun of it. A motor is all youneed, put the unskinned beans into the hole, add water and grind them -here they go, the white smooth soy milk flows into contains beneath it.