
    儿子刚读完初二.刚上小学变为单亲家庭子女.历年数学科学等成绩优秀,也热爱历史地理,语文中等,英语会说不少但会写的很少所以考试成绩很烂.上重点高中没有希望.上初中以后,因为我出国了,他跟老爸,老爸与后妈半年后就去了别的城市,他就跟着奶奶.平时上课倒从没有荒废,课后马马虎虎完成作业就拒绝学习.周末就喜欢打通宵电脑.我在德国建立了新家,对方是一个人蛮不错的, 工薪阶层的德国人.我自己的德国的生活渐渐稳定. 儿子是我的心头肉, 我希望能自己看着他成长. 但不知道来德国对他的前途与心里发展是否里大于弊. 他出来了就没有回头路了. 我内心有点焦虑. 先生说他会权利协助的,但他平时都在上班也很忙. 儿子又处在叛逆期,对宽松的老爸比较没有怨言,对罗嗦的老妈我总有很多意见. 该怎么办才好呢?   

deflc 发表评论于
jaydad 发表评论于
sorry, missing part of the comment """ problem"
if he is younger, say less than 10, move him out of china to get wholly germinzed;
if he is older, say 20 or above, get him to europe or america to be globalized;
for right now, at the heat of his 叛逆期, i suggest you wait a little bit. Now it is a concern that he has neither dad or mom by his side - i guess you or your ex just have to deal with that, with remote control.
best wish
jaydad 发表评论于
if he is younger, say 20, get him to europe or america to be globalized;
for right now, at the heat of his 叛逆期, i suggest you wait a little bit. Now it is a concern that he has neither dad or mom by his side - i guess you or your ex just have to deal with that, with remote control.
best wish