这家伙离了两次婚,都是因为婚外恋。刚结了婚一年,老婆很漂亮,是巴西的一个服装模特。认识这个模特时,他还在结婚。据他说,是出差在巴西的一个健身房认识她的。“I can't live without her。”用他自己的话说。回国后就闹离婚。我还劝过他。我说,你孩子都要上中学了,别扯了。他说,“I can't live without love。”
他正想回答,有个高个子的美女上来用英文说:“She is chicken, don't talk to chicken!” 他还没明白怎么回事,那个被叫“Chicken”的女孩子干脆用英文跟高个女孩开骂。说:“You are chicken, you are chicken。” 跟高子在一起的另外一个女孩干脆动起手要打这个“Chicken“。
他看情况不好,就要走,结果高个儿和她的朋友不打了,跟着他走出餐馆。他问高个儿,什么是”Chicken",高个儿说,“Sex, money”。 他明白了,说:“How much?”高个儿说:“I do not know。 $100。00?” 他说:“That's cheap。” 另一个听到了,说:“Oh, you are rich。” 他问她们是干什么的,高个儿说是美术系的学生。这位到知道些艺术,就跟她们聊起来。
“I had the best time of my life in China. Those two girls followed me everywhere I went. Just got an e-mail from one of them today, says she wants to come here. ” 他跟我由衷地说。
一个人没有了知耻之心、羞恶之心,没有了负罪意识、忏悔意识,也就意味着他的人性泯灭。一个失去了耻感和罪感的民族,一个底线伦理崩溃了的民族,即使能在某些领域造成暂时的泡沫式强大,但它不可能创造真正的文明。 By Hanxin
noso 发表评论于
it ends with a "?" mark. what else?
mimimimi3 发表评论于
You asked the readers "Do not judge the writer based on what you think the writer may think". What do you expect?
This is a judgmental article with a judgmental title. "无耻" is a very judgmental word.
Sure some Chinese women have no dignity. But the title "中国女孩子真会这么无耻吗" is very offensive.
noso 发表评论于
I am sorry, you don't get it either.
You have missed my point totally and come up with some conclusions on your own and thought that was my point.
But thanks for visiting.
noso 发表评论于
问题出在哪儿?The problem is I know what I was talking about, but you didn't get it. Do not judge the writer based on what you think the writer may think. That's the problem of many people who just do get it.
WOW! Are you serious? Honestly, I respect the two women more than you! At least they might not be as judgemental as you're.
dog_lover 发表评论于
I agree with you. Why do some Chinese women behave this way? Don't you think the society, the main-stream media and even the Chinese men have something to do with it? Having said that, I don't mean the two women mentioned in the article should not be blamed. But I won't blame them too hard.
Oh, man, noso, my husband was planning to go back to China to form a company & I was very supportive of this idea. Geez, guess now I need to think twice. Thanks for sharing, noso.
Human nature are similar regardless which race & which country are you coming from. Personally, I normally would not define people Asian, European or American unless there's a need. Of course, the color of our skin are born with & I am very proud of being a Chinese. But I would not declare that I will have to be this or that because I am Chinese. I am a human being first before labeled as Chinese. When I donate & help the less fortunate. I do not pay attention to the race before I sent the money. To me, less fortunate group are the ones who need help, regardless race. I don't know, noso. Maybe I am naive, but I really treat everybody the same regardless where are they coming from.
Success does not equalize confidence, just like education does not equalize dignity & virtue. However, I do agree with you that some Chinese girls does not have a healthy mentality. Here I want to tell all the Chinese JJMM. Chinese guys are the best & Chinese guys are the ones who are most compatable to us Chinese girls.
noso 发表评论于
noso 发表评论于
I really don't want to go detail about what really happened. After all, it is not my business who used whom. This kind of things doesn't happen without a reason.
As a very sucessful Chinese man living in US, I care about the images of China and Chinese people. China is the country where I was born and raised. I want nothing but all the best from China.
In this writting, I want to tell all your parents out there or any young girls who is reading this, that people will respect you if you have dignity. People will respect you more if you defend your dignity. To be a respectful people, you need to love yourself and know who you are and where you are from. Young Chinese girls should know, that they will earn no respect from white people if they simply throw themselves at them. That's not what love is all about, there is no love.
That's the whole point of this writting. You either get it or don't. There is no need to judge me. a, I really don't care what other say, b. I know I am right and there are people who will agree with me. Those people are my kind of people. We know what we are talking about. That's all that matters.
Thanks for reading this. I say what I feel and I will keep doing that.
PlsHelpEB3Interview 发表评论于
noso, think about it. Those two girls not only used this 白人as a model for their drawing for free, but also used him for sex as well. I am sure they might will tell their friends about this as well & I am sure this 白人won't feel too good if he hears about how the two girls talks about him with their friends. The girl might had asked 白人to bring her overseas, so what? This 白人is free anyways, why not get more from him. As I said previously, I really feel this 白人is used as a breeding pig here. Don't know why he is bragging to you. Hey, tell him he is a breeding pig & let me know what he says. :-)
绿宝石 发表评论于
收不收钱是人家自己的事, 别人管不着
PlsHelpEB3Interview 发表评论于
Some of my white girl friends wants to marry Chinese since in their mind, Chinese are rich & educated. In Vegas, cosinos even pay lots of money to remodel the hotel the way Chinsee wants becasue Chinese are their large clients.
PlsHelpEB3Interview 发表评论于
noso, believe it or not. I do know a Chinese guy who can不花钱找俩白妞玩3P. Some 白妞likes Chinese guys because they are financially stable, responsible & sincere. I really think confidence of a nation plays a big factor here in this issue. Pls have confidence in Chinese & pls have confidence that we are an outstanding race & nation.
PlsHelpEB3Interview 发表评论于
I agree with lanyi. I really don't think what happened to your white friend is a big deal. It could happen in any country with any race of people. As a Chinese with great confidence, I really just take it as an individual story. Just like I was pursued by lots of white guy before, I chose a Chinese to be my husband finally only because I want to marry Chinese. Does not mean those white guys lose the face of the country of US. Well, I don't know how to express it, but I really think your friend is just showing off his romance like lots of guys would do. Have confidence & we would just laugh about it or just say, "hey, man, stop showing off & tell me all the stories that you are rejected by good Chinese woman."
noso 发表评论于
That will be a serious challenge. : ) At least, if we keep talking about it, people may think twice before they do it.
noso 发表评论于
Long time no c. Thanks.
noso 发表评论于
Agree! Ding!
noso 发表评论于
I can'r stop them doing it, they can't stop me saying it.
If I were you, I would tell your 白人friend that the two Chinese girls might have treated him as a free male hooker. Tell him nowadays it is popular in China for woman to spend money on male hookers. In this case, the two Chinese girls had taken advange of the 白人in a way. Especally when the girl asked me 白人to bring them overseas, obviously, they had treated the 白人as a breeding pig.
It was really shamed when you saw the urgly, old and fat foreigner handed with a beautiful Chinese girl strolling on the streets, you can see a lot in Shanghai. When I read the diary exposed on a blog not far from now, which talking about one guy, who taught English in shanghainese University, had sex with many Chinese girls and ladies, the detailed deion about sex process really want me to kill those urgly Chinese females.
Only if you respect yourself, the others will respect you. This common social value exited all over the world. Also only you love the culture, you will love the country. Only the rubishs would like those shits.
The solely pursuing of economic development neglected the culture development at the meantime. Money- speaking environment demoralized the social culture which has changed the behaviours of young generation, opened-minded, lazy-laboured, life-enjoyed, especially those in the big cities around the coast regions in China. The life attitudes of your peoples are totally different from those of former generations.
Sometime if we can not make any changes, we have to accept. But we have to try to do our best to affect the young peoples around us by our good behaviour, especially the value to the life and social.
noso 发表评论于
noso 发表评论于
noso 发表评论于
The point is that someone would fight against a hooker to sleep with white people for free.
You can say he was played by the two girls,certainly that's not how he feels. Then again, one of them has asked him to support her come over here. That should tell you it was not a sex game, but a calculated play with purpose.
PlsHelpEB3Interview 发表评论于
Why don't you say this 洋人was played by two Chinese girls like a toy. They have a equal relationship in this sex game. Therefore, I really don't get what you are talking about in the article.
Girls like that exist in every country, every corner of the world. Seeing a couple of chinese girls behaving like that does not grant you the right to generalize all chinese girls to that standard. It is just not right. Hate the individuals, not the country.
"关在家里" is the key word here. That's why a human needs to wear cloth even in a hot summer, and that's the difference between "civilized" and "uncivilized".
noso 发表评论于
usagi 发表评论于
lol :D hoes are different from chickens :D hahahahahahahaha
anyway, if they just want to have fun, it isn't our business to get all roused up about it, right ?
btw, this friend of yours is in love with love itself, not with any human beings. maybe himself :P