by A-mao
老爸对女儿说:“I paid your bill. The 50% discount is not sure yet. I told themthat you might not consider this university if they did not giveyoudiscount.”
女儿说:“That's right, let's fight with them!”
老爸说:“Earning money is dad and mom's job. Your don't have to worrytoomuch. My goal is to support you so you can get out of collegedebt-free.”
女儿说:“How about brother's college cost? When are you going to save for him.”
老爸说:“ After you get out of college, I will start to save for him. Bythetime he goes to college, you can lend a hand to him, too, right?”
女儿点点头:“Ok, I will.”
儿子说:“If I have a million dollars, what should I do?”
老爸说:“Find a nice girl and marry her.”
女儿马上起哄:“Yeah, right! ”