'It does not look good for a Chinese man with a bald head.'

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昨天一家人去理发。想刺激一下女儿复习考试的积极性,俺想和女儿打一赌:“ Hey, girl, how about a bet--if you spend 4 hours everyday on your ACT preparation, I will cut all my hair today--a shining bald head!”

老妈笑起来了。女儿接腔:“I'd rather see little brother with a bald head, not you. You are not that old to do that. By the way, it does not look good for aChinese man with a bald head."”

“Then, what do you want to bet?” 老爸只好一计不成,又生一计。

“How about this:  If  I reach the line you set, you will eat whatever I cook at home.”女儿知道老爸对她那些古里古怪的东西不感冒。

“En, ok, deal. However, don't cook too much.” 老爸知道她的古怪玩意儿难吃。


