一首极感人的歌“The Water is Wide”

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The Water is Wide—Anne Bryony

The water is wide

I cant cross over

And neither have

I wings to fly

Build me a boat

That can carry two

And both shall row

My love and i

There is a ship

And she sails the sea

Shes loaded deep

As deep can be

But not so deep

As the love Im in

I know not how

I sink or swim

Oh love is handsome

And love is fine

The sweetest flower

When first its new

But love grows old

And waxes cold

And fades away

Like summer dew

Build me a boat

That can carry two

And both shall row

My love and i

And both shall row

My love and i……

秋凉 2007-08-19

歌曲源自专辑《黎明的曙光》。女歌手Anne Bryony出生于爱尔兰的都柏林,年轻时曾师从Dr.veronica Dunne与Evelyn Dowling学唱歌,并参加St.James Choir以及RTEPhilharmonic Choir等著名合唱团担任独唱手,随后于伦敦艺术学院获得音乐硕士学位。最受人瞩目的是,她那特有的亲切又温馨的歌喉;响亮清澈中带有一丝忧郁的感伤,往往令听者随着她的歌声不禁感动而落泪……