I can totally apreciate your feeling. When I was a student, we read the Taiwan ZY Daily Newspaper sent from Taiwan free everyday. When I approached the students from Taiwan in 80's, that was quite a different scene. They bought a brand new car on arriving and going home at the end of every semester. Going into 90's, not too many stuents from Taiwan were willing to come here to study anymore. I believe all my generations are very proud what we have accomplished in this country. We had good times, tough times but at the end we all enjoy what we have earned. Thank you very much for your reading and comments. Hanging there!
yijibang 发表评论于
旁观者甲 发表评论于
When we were just just arrived US many many years ago, there was no much Chinese media we can read. My classmate from Taiwan told me that we can subscribe 中央日报 for free.I tried secretly and really got it for free for several years. One section of 中央日报 are 留学生专栏 in Tuesday or Thursday。 There are many articles written by early generations coming to US from Taiwan in 1960s and 1970s and those articles were about their life journey in USA. I was shocked by the similarities of this generation and us. Both came to US with little help from family. Borrowed money to buy air-ticket, and very hard to get visa, Have to convince the counselor that you would go back after graduation, etc. The struggles in US through the college are even more amazingly similar. They also provided lots of surviving tips from their experience. Most of my classmates form Taiwan at that time have no interest in those articles because those days sound so far away and they do not have to worry about living expense at that time. They told me Taiwan was 钱淹脚面 at that time. But it was really resonance among us struggling students from mainland China and it showed us the light at the end of tunnel. It inspired us during our hardest days in USA. Following those footprint,we can picture where we would be in the future starting from our humble beginning. It also implied what would happen in near future in China in terms of living standard improvements and modernization.
Without those articles, you wouldn't realize through living examples that Taiwan can went through such a big change in such a short term.That gave us hope on China which has been proven true.