Hello, againswind. I happeded to come across your idea. Actually I am one member of the China Medical Board and I am also an internal medicine resident here in U.S as well. We had a meeting last year with Lincoln Chen and we came with this primary care advocate as one of those ideas. If you wish, welcome to join to do something for China medical system. you can also contact Lincoln Chih-Ho Chen my email is shala621@hotmail.com
At least I don't feel so, I can have more comfortable life in Shanghai than in here, with parents, maid, food, own culture etc; But I choose to stay here, the main reason is I feel I can contribute to the society more and help people regardless their races more, with same time I put into.
----true, it's easier to deliver health care here because everything is established before we come here. that's exactly why i feel i don't contribute a lot here. if we can establish the same system in china, maybe it's hard, frustrating, time consuming,but it definitely means a lot more.
life in china is not only about food, maid, it has lots of other things.
maybe i sound like a 愤青,hehe, please bear with me.:)
Our earth is become smaller and smaller, no nation is important than other; We are all human being, that's it. Don't always think this is someone else country, there will be no country at all if no one there.
-----i can't agree with you. for me, China is more important than US. period, hehe.i never feel i am one of american, neither will they. this is the reality.
Makesense? 发表评论于
Sorry, Huohua, I have to comment on this:
makesense 和bmw,我们总说我不能解决任何问题,因为我们没有勇气失去眼前的东西,好不容易飘洋过海,体会了美国的生活,即使没有什么大成就,但是弃之可惜。--At least I don't feel so, I can have more comfortable life in Shanghai than in here, with parents, maid, food, own culture etc; But I choose to stay here, the main reason is I feel I can contribute to the society more and help people regardless their races more, with same time I put into.
我觉得在美国,才是真正什么都改变不了,美国的医疗制度才是真正不会为我们的努力改变,这是别人的国家。--Our earth is become smaller and smaller, no nation is important than other; We are all human being, that's it. Don't always think this is someone else country, there will be no country at all if no one there.
I AGREE WITH BMW. I don’t think it will work out in China, even the city like Shanghai in the near future.
Even in America, most of time, primary care only means free check up provided by insurance company to most people. No one will notify you, it’s time for check up if you don’t show up at the clinic by yourself, such as every 2-3 year, PAP Smear free is only accessible to these women who know it and who have insurance for it. Of course, here is better than in China, you can see these reminders at clinic, at Women’s and let you know you should do regular check up for Breast cancer, cervical cancer etc. But for these poor, their lives are really pitiful in America and even worse in China. However, we as an individual can only do that little, try to be helpful to everyone who is struggling is a big achievement to me. Dream can be big, but it maybe frustrated when you want to make it to come true.
I have been reading your blog for a while and admire your courage very much. But sometimes, I feel you are thinking too much and trying to be good to everyone, which is unnecessary. Since you have had different life experience, you should know what you want in the future. Being a specialist isn't easy, I don't mean the intellegence, but the time you and your future family want to sacrifice; it's not a working choice but a life style choice.
Once you make up your mind, just go ahead, don't think what other people like it or not.
Take Care.
一朵小桦 发表评论于
好久没来了,落花,你的所思所想都很有道理.有时我也觉得,我们出来并不是为了一份高薪,一幢洋楼.你所提到的primary care 的观念我并不陌生,让我的心悸动.这个概念我听他说起过.