I'm also in Medicine. I totally agree with what you've said. You have a great attitude. :)
落花飘零 发表评论于
long time no see!最近好么?
...This does not mean you have to accept all whatever people, including attendings, residents from any other countries say to you or treat you in a program.
I don’t agree with that CMGs in general have outdated knowledge than Indian/pakis. I do see they are younger in general than us. I want you notice that more CMGs have higher degrees than Indian/Parkis, and many CMGs have very cutting-edge knowledge and many even are experts in specific fields.
这个就是我们很多中国医学生的一个想法。higher degree跟医学知识是两回事情,在某个领域有很先进的知识,在住院医生工作中未必能够帮助多少。学位越高的,一般出国越久,也就意味着接受基础医学教育的年代越远,也就意味着那些医学理论过时的可能就越大。读学位是钻研的是一个小而又小的领域,很多和临床医学的关系已经很远了。当然有研究背景在长远来说是很有帮助的。
You indeed need to keep your head up when you meet some attendings or other residents who unfriendly try to look or push you down.you should learn to deal well with each individual situation rather than try to accept everything. I honestly tell you that some Indians are very hard to work with and you can never change their attitude regardless what you do.
前段时间,有个男住院医生(美国人)对我非常不尊重,说话不三不四,他总觉得中国女生忍辱负重不会作声的,我私下跟他说过几次,毕竟是同事,不想闹翻,谁知道他愈演愈烈,有一次在大查房的时候他又说那些话,我当着其他的医生面非常严厉地斥责了他。后来主治医生专门来找我谈,我首先抱歉说自己不应该在查房的时候lost it,但是我事先数次警告过他,主治医生说他完全站在我这边,我应该speak for myself。那个住院医生事后找我道歉,我原谅了他,但是我永远也不会和他有工作以外的任何交道。
I have different opinion with you although I absolutely agree with you on being humble, keeping professional and being a good team player. This does not mean you have to accept all whatever people, including attendings, residents from any other countries say to you or treat you in a program. I don’t agree with that CMGs in general have outdated knowledge than Indian/pakis. I do see they are younger in general than us. I want you notice that more CMGs have higher degrees than Indian/Parkis, and many CMGs have very cutting-edge knowledge and many even are experts in specific fields. In my mind, I think people should respect to each other and learn from each other in a residency program or called 扬长避短. You indeed need to keep your head up when you meet some attendings or other residents who unfriendly try to look or push you down. You should learn to deal well with each individual situation rather than try to accept everything. I honestly tell you that some Indians are very hard to work with and you can never change their attitude regardless what you do.