Follow your passion in life find your needs in life and make it happen. The law of attraction works for everything in life, in your carrer in your love life and relationship. The point is make important life decisions based on your attraction/passion of your heart if possible because it motivates your inner positive energy to the best. When a person stay in a positive mood any difficulties will be solved. Remember you are smarter and stronger than you think. Be positive be happy.
The law of attraction brings a positive attitude to life. It is the source of happiness.
pretty_woman 发表评论于
If you don't try the chance is 0
if you try the chance is 50%
Even it failed at least you don't have regret in life.
十年之歌 发表评论于
possibility is everything
pretty_woman 发表评论于
Thank you for your comments.
I think everyone is pretty in different way. Wish you happy everyday!
ILoveHere 发表评论于
pretty_woman 发表评论于
sorry my keyboard cannot type chinese ...
Happiness is how you view the world so it is the peaceful enjoyment(feeling) of your inner heart as my understanding.
Although my life is not perfect but I dont have too much regret in my past ...
Thank you.
It is not easy to make many decisions based on the law of attraction. We chinese care too much about how other people think about us not until we mature enough to understand that happiness is the ultimate goal every body looks for in life.
温柔似虎 发表评论于
a pretty, smart woman, you are.
pretty_woman 发表评论于
Yes. Believe yourself and try your best then
everything is possible!