Danielle Steel's novels

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I have read almost all of Danielle Steel's books. I have listened to her novels on CDs too.  My daughter laughed at me for reading her books and said that her books are so stupid.  My daughter commented that the plots of her books are so simple and stupid that they don't make sense sometimes.

She mentioned my reading to her English teacher, who said her mom read Danielle's books too.


Danielle's books are popular among American housewives.  The reason why I have read her books was because her books’ plots are simple and her vocabularies are limited. It is easy to listen to and read without thinking and looking up dictionary.  


Danielle was from a rich family and has been married for many times. She was married to a prisoner in jail once, and later to an ex-prisoner being addicted to drug when she was young. When she was successful later on, she has tried very hard to cover up and erase her two marriages from her marriage histories.

It was not an honorable history with her marriage.

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