In the beginning God made morons(by Norman)

In the beginning God made morons. That was for practice.
Then he got down to the serious business of making central bankers.

Therole of a central bank should be to protect the integracy of thecurrency. Increasing money supply at the rate of economic growth.

Today's central bankers put their noses in everything related to business. They get called "Maestro" & get knighted.
They are political animals & TV stars. They eat in fine restaurants.

They create fiat money & artificial prosperity. They encourage the commercial banks to make foolish loans.

They are macho & individually raise interest rates while those on CNBC are amazed at how this comes about.

Well. Now we are about to go back to the 80's when they collectively piss themselves.

When things are going well they act always alone.
This weekend they will be calling each other.
By about Wednesday they will once again act in unison as the Fed, BoE, ECB, BOJ, Banf of Canada lower rates simultaneously.

The talking heads on CNBC will be amazed at this. There will be talk of "co-operation".
They will save the day.

Funny how they never collectively raise rates.

Be patient, the real crash begins shortly after that.
