It's a HEDGE FUND RUN!!!(by jojnlf)


Just like bank panics in the daysof yore, we are witnessing a run on hedge funds. And here's the kicker,they could have papered this over, but now I believe it's gone on toolong and is now too late. What they should never have done is BARREDTHE DOOR! Big mistake. Every time another hedgie freezes assets andbars redemptions the problem becomes that much worse for every otherhedge fund. Their investors wonder when they will be locked inside theburning building. Why wonder? Sell now and ask questions later!!! Andthat is precisely what they are doing.

If the FED was thinkingthey would have forced them all to allow redemptions and just printedthe money to cover it all up. But they didn't and now the word is out.Everybody is wondering who's next? Lehman? Pension funds? Moneymarkets? How many wealthy hedge fund investors are on the phone rightnow saying "GET ME OUT, YESTERDAY!!!!!!"