职场生涯 101, 新朋友的指南, 老朋友的经验

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来源: 美国老土07-08-14 01:47:37

Job Website:





www.myvisajobs.com ILoveOPT


简历篇: 万里之行始于一篇吸引眼球的卖人广告 (how to prepare your resume)

找工篇(一): 电话来了, 如何推销你自己

怎样和head hunter/job agent/猎头打交道。告诉猎头工资么? Acme

米国 W2 and 1099 Form


Three Minute Drill: Before I answer your question, let me tell you a little about myself.

About Salary, HR Golden Rule: Whoever mentioned the salary number at first, who is the loser.


Two stages of the interview process

Who mention the salary first, who is the looser

How to answer Salary Questions

How to let HR tell you the salary for the position

If your current Salary is too low, then don’t tell

If you don’t want tell your salary. bbwb

如何准备on-site interview

如何准备3 hr on-site interview

How to answer: What is your weak point?

面试时你能问什么 mary有只小绵羊

About Your Reference

How do you know what your reference will say about you.

找工篇(二): 东家决定要您了, 如何谈个好价钱

Use Email to Negotiate Salary:



(There is another very good email wrote by a Ph.D.. I can’t find it now. Let me know if you find it. )

(There are couple of very good notes talk about don’t be too greedy, I can’t find them now. Let me know if you find them.)

奴隶篇: 老板是俺的饭票

怀孕JM找工篇:怀孕了要不要换工作;接到Offer发现怀孕(编辑整理) Acme

跳槽篇: If the job is At-Will, both party can terminate the job at anytime without any reason

我该不该跳槽?在 多个机会中,如何决定选择offer? (编辑整理) Acme

下岗篇: There is nothing forever


Jobs in US Post Office
