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When I first met you, I looked in your eyes

The feeling I got I never wanted to say good bye.

We dated and had a good time

When we were together I felt so fine.

Loving you the years went fast

I looked back and two years had past.

You asked me to be your wife

That was a beginning of a whole new life.

You gave me a child and a home

Then no more your love could rome.

It was hard adjusting the first five years

The pain and suffering brought a lot of fears.

I didn't know if our marriage would last

I kept living too much in the past.

You changed and treated me right

Then I had no more fears and frights.

You know it took a lot to bare

It all went away when you showed you cared.

Thank you for changing and making me glad

And now there is no room to be sad.

I love you and want you to know

Many years has past, I still love you so.
