Appreciation of Food

Due to some special reason, I had to fast the whole day this Sunday. Ifelt so hungry in the morning. Since I was allowed to drink some applejuice and grape juice, I went to Trader Joe's. While browsing around,it felt so funny to see so many food and each item looked so deliciousto me. They were all trying to say 'Hi' and danced around to attract myattention. Woa, why didn't they appear this delicious before? The onlything I could do was to swallow the saliva.

So,I reallize that how precious the food is! Often the time I ignore thevalue of the food and eat without paying attention to what I am eating.Maybe once a while, I shall fast to remind myself of the food.

Ialso got to understand how those religious people feel when they haveto fast for certain days in a year. And why people eat and enjoy somuch during Mardi Gras!

Several weeks ago, I watched a movie"Autumn in New York". A line from the male charactor impressed me alot: " Food is the most beautiful thing that truely nurtures." Yeah, Ineed to pay a lot more respect to food...
