私房语录 (14-15)

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小儿试着给我们讲笑话。第一个笑话是: A man is on a flight to Boston. He has a dream that he is eating his shoe. He wakes up and his dream comes true. 们问他,此人为何要去波士顿,再者,这笑话好笑在哪里?他急了:I forgot where he goes. I think Boston/>/> sounds coolso I made it up. The funny part of this joke is his dream comes true and he is eating his shoe! 看我们谁也没乐,他叹口气,开讲第二个:Mom has to go to work. She asks the babysitter to take care of her baby while she is away. When Mom comes back from work. Guess what? The babysitter is sitting on the baby! 看到这个终于把我们逗乐了,他松了口气。

(15) 没事在家逗小儿玩。对小儿说:儿子,长大做医生好吗?帮大家看病,所有人都会喜欢你的。小儿想也没想,头摇得像泼浪鼓:我不要做医生,我可不想喝别人的尿。这是什么逻辑,闻所未闻,赶紧问这是谁说的。小儿一本正经地答道:上次去 Dr.Arnold 那儿 针,他让我尿尿到一个小杯子里,我把杯子交给他的时候,那尿尿还是热的呢。。。。

作者:海棠花飞 (http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myindex.php?blogID=26531)

海棠花飞 发表评论于
• 好玩,聪明! -五味七色- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/1/07
• 谢谢,又在搬“货”:) 身体好些了吗? -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/1/07
• 谢谢问候! -五味七色- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 8/2/07
• 逗! -lanchan- ♀ (18 bytes) (8 reads) 8/1/07
• 嗨!你上次说网恋了?恋谁呀? -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/1/07
• 你真迟钝,你呀! -lanchan- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/1/07
• 我?!那我马上把我ID后面的标记改一下:) -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 8/1/07
• 别介,那样影响面太大 -lanchan- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 8/1/07
• 我又搬了好多到我的博客,还有二十年的旧货, -海棠花飞- ♀ (23 bytes) (6 reads) 8/1/07
• 俺望眼欲穿盼着呢 -lanchan- ♀ (48 bytes) (3 reads) 8/1/07
• 哈哈 , this post made my day, thank you:_) -红杏倾城- ♀ (0 bytes) (4 reads) 8/1/07
• 你这网名也够逗的,出墙还不过瘾?哈哈 -海棠花飞- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 8/1/07
• 这名字俺也喜欢,多煽动! -lanchan- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 8/1/07