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。“中国外汇储备即国外债权正在大幅贬值和缩水 更危险的还有,那就是西方发达国家针对中国的重商主义战略采取了放松银根的货币放水政策。自90年代中期起,格林斯潘主政的美联储便增加货币发行量,这种宽松的货币政策不仅使美国的股市大涨,房价大涨,进口额和外贸赤字也大涨。中美之间的贸易赤字多年来居高不下,近10年来,中国流入美国的贸易顺差足有1万多亿美元。也就是说中国向美国额外输出了大约10万亿元人民币的实物货物,等于借给美国10万亿元人民币的贷款。 


American called our foreign exchange reserve "nuclear weapon", hehe.

I guess we should make the best use of it. Spending $3billion buying Blackstone and being locked up for four years doesn't sound like a nuclear weapon at all. It only trapped Chinese government in a dilemma. To gain return from its investment, Chinese government may have to give Blackstone more deals at favorable conditions.

What can be real nuclear weapon? Lend money to our multinational companies ( say Haier, Huawei) at favorable conditions so that they can 1. build factories in the US (land is cheap here). 2. acquire the small high growth firms in the US, especially those with patents. Our talents are attracted to here. So, we can also bring our money here to help them to set up businesses. US belongs to us and we just come a little late, haha. I hope that China will have a toyota level company in the US in the future.  If narrow minded Japanese can achieve it, we can do it better! Chinese culture is fundamentally more harmonious and broad minded. We are as smart as Jap.

