
这个博克是Crazydog的粉丝特地为她建立的. Crazydog被大家尊称为疯老大,我就以疯老大作为博克的主页名称.为了避借C
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/>/>/>/> 来源: crazydog06-01-04 11:19:44

/>/>/>回答: JJMM~~我家宝宝8个月了,可我不知道在jsw2006-01-04 10:06:35

Some babies will have indigestion if they take meat too early. Feed him a little bit and watch for any signs of indigestion (sudden increase of watery poops, stomach discomfort--waking up multiple times in the night; lots of gas etc etc). You always wait until the baby is ready.

Organic or not is your choice. Regular meats have lots of hormones and antibiotics that have undesirable effects on the person later in life--very early sexual development especially in girls is one, increased risk of breast and other hormonal related cancer later in life and obesity is another. My baby is all organic. But most babies are not. Earth's Best is a good all organic brand, but with limited choice on meat dishes (but they do smell and taste good, unlike Gerber who looks, smells and tastes horrible). If you want to increase the variety, you will have to purchase organic materials and do it yourself. It is more expensive.



有机食品与否取决于个人。一般的肉类食品含有很多荷尔蒙以及抗生素,如食用会在日后产生不良作用,例如过早的性发育,尤其是女孩子,患上乳腺及其他荷尔蒙有关的癌症的风险更大。肥胖也是后果之一。我的宝宝食用的是有机食品,但大多数宝宝并不是。“Earth's Best”是一个很好的有机食品的品牌,但是可选的肉类有限(不过他们确实闻上去或吃起来味道更好,不象“gerber"的产品,无论看上去,闻或吃都很糟糕。)如果你想增加花样,你需要买来有机产品自己加工。这样会更贵。
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有机食品与否取决于个人。一般的肉类食品含有很多荷尔蒙以及抗生素,如食用会在日后产生不良作用,例如过早的性发育,尤其是女孩子,患上乳腺及其他荷尔蒙有关的癌症的风险更大。肥胖也是后果之一。我的宝宝食用的是有机食品,但大多数宝宝并不是。“Earth's Best”是一个很好的有机食品的品牌,但是可选的肉类有限(不过他们确实闻上去或吃起来味道更好,不象“gerber"的产品,无论看上去,闻或吃都很糟糕。)如果你想增加花样,你需要买来有机产品自己加工。这样会更贵。