婆媳关系: from animal studies

这个博克是Crazydog的粉丝特地为她建立的. Crazydog被大家尊称为疯老大,我就以疯老大作为博克的主页名称.为了避借C
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婆媳关系: from animal studies
来源: crazydog07-07-12 15:03:33

In the animal kingdom, each tribe has only 1 alpha female.

Same for the little family, only 1 alpha female. If pp and mother wants to compete with us for that position, it creates an unstable situation. After some fights, 1 alpha female position is settled, the family goes back to the stable position. Either strong pp, mother or us, it is fine.

Solution: each has their own tribe. Or both sides are so easy going and defer to the control of alpha-male.

So look in the mirror and ask "do I look like an alpha female or does my pp look like more?"
