Golf and Life

Good enough is NOT enough!

No risk, No glory!

多少小白球能添满这个湖? ===> How much is the love??

We share the world. This land is for you and me.

怀着感恩的心, 珍惜所拥有的, 过好每一天!

menhaoran1 发表评论于
Hi, Liketoread:

For the first picture, you can definitely tap in. :-) The last stroke is good.

For the second picture, besides all the obstacles to land the ball to the target, you have good opportunities as well. You may just to trust and commit your shot. haha, I put myself in this kind of situation many times. hope we all get better down the road.

lanchan 发表评论于
“We share the world. This land is for you and me.”
liketoread 发表评论于
人間的盒子 发表评论于
红叶映雪 发表评论于
‘We share the world. This land is for you and me.’小声地说:我害怕。嘻嘻。。