道琼斯成分个股简评。 本人原创。

Risk Level (1~5, low risk to high risk)


JBLU: bottom, if hit all time low, may cause a crash. Small portion KO: good long term trend.


Try to seek all time high. Bearish entry , 43.50 support breaks

Intc: Bullish hold, but risk of mid-term correction. Bullish-bearish break support 20.

PG: short term, high potential of accelration. High risk as the volume suggest a downward trend may come.


AA: Around moderate support level, but still have risk to to further test support level at 30.

BA: Strong bullish trend hold above 94 support level. possible mid-term correction to watch.

CSX: Strong bullish trend to continue,have a short-term drop to test 41.50( Bearish entry) . Risistence 52

ED: Upward channel confirmed, support to watch 43.

JBHT: bullish if no further drop below 24. May seek target 38. but need more days of trading to confirm. Bearish entry support break 20.

JPM: On key support trend. if break 41, Huge bear!


WMB: still bullish! 30 KEY SUPPORT.

AEP: may just tested the downward Channel, Key support, 40-41, 35

ARM: Cautionsly bullis,needed to be confirmed. if no short term bounce, could enter a mid-term correction. Key support, 14.80(Bearish Entry

CAL: Mid-correction may continues. Risistence to watch, 37. (Break can mean a sign of major bullish trend to 60-65.

CNW: Downward Channelto play, Next support to test 40.

GE: short timer movement of direction will signal a bear or bull in large scale. Watch only!

GM: Key support 29,Bearish entry. , If break 37 with slower pace, after test 40 risistence, could enter a long term bull.

MRK: Bullish but the volume in 23/7 give a bad signal it may have mid-term correction.

MSFT: not tradable. small chance to have a crash, but if that happen . huge scale.

NI: bearish , but short term may have bounce back to 21 range. High risk of accleration of dropping after

YRCW: Strong bearish. Downward channel played at level if it break 25.


XOM: Mid-term correction may comess. Volume suggest it may become a major correction. Key support 79

WMT: Flat currently. Key stock to watch!!!!!!! High chance of a Total Crash!!!!!!

VZ: key support 39. If break ,Mid-term correciton or bear.

UTX: still bullish, may have a chance to enter mid-term correction.

UPS: at risitence lelel. to be watched. Break and confirm 81-83, risistence , bullish then.

UNP: Long term may flat. Bearish entry , 110 support breaks. If hit all time high, still bullish, but with low potential to be played.

T: high risk, still bullish, key support 37.

TXU: if not solid bounce back from now on, Possible crash, key support 59

PCG: No bullish trend yet. Key risistance 49( to be back to be bullish)

OSG: Short-term rebound expected, crash may continues.

NSC: still bearish as long as it's below 56. Need a solid and not so fast upward movement back to 56 above be bullish .

LUV: No general trend yet. Risistence 17.50. Break of 14 may cause a huge crash.

LSTR: Bear , Risistence 42. Bear may target below 20.

JNJ: Bear. downward channnel to be played, 55.20 Support.

Alex: Short term volume to watch , if bounce back, may continue he bullish trend , key support 53(mid-term crash entry),44 (berish entry)

AXP: long term bullish trend still hold, but break of 55 support level may cause a CRASH.

CAT: See continuous Mid-term correction. Key support 62(Entry for Bearish trend)

CHRW: May be a correction target to 25. short-term no way up. May coninute the flat correction.

DIS: beginning of mid-term correction. Key upport to watch 29-30

DUK: in the mid of Flat or downward correction trend. Key risistence to back to bullish trend, 21.50

HON: need more time to confirm upward trend. May continue fast mid-term correction, target 40 MMM: Bearish, but not yet confirmed. If go back north and break 92, Strong bullish.


PEG: high chance of crash.

PFE: bearish

MO: risk of crash.

MCD: high chance of break the bullish trend. In order to keep current bullish trend, have to pick north now.

IBM: may further test 111 previous resistence. Not in the hold stage.

HPD: Bull trend held with bounce back. Mid term correction may come, target 35.

HD: Crashing , Resitance to be back to flat correction or bullish market 37.50

GMT: if fast drop come back again , Bear target 20. Key support for bearish entry , 40.50.

FE: downward trend may accelerated if break 57. Play in Down ward chaanel , risistence 65.80

FDX: High risk, 106 Key support, if breaks , long bear!!!!!

EXC: correction target 50. if hit all time high, bullish but with low potential.

EIX: A mid-term correction may turn to be a bearish trend if break 46 support. High chance of bearish market.

DD:bearish confirmed. Key support to watch 40. If break 53, long term bullish entry. Can have good portion to hold in that case only

D: bullish but high risk,resistence above 95. Better not touch, key support 82.

CNP: just beginning of the crash. Key support 14.80 ( Entry for accelerated crash)

BNI: Potential Crah. Key support 72.

C: Volume to be watched. Continue to be flat. If speed of correction accelerated, high chance of Crash

AES: Beginning of Crash,short term may bounce back to 20, 21, to confirm the crash

AIG: May further test the support at 57.50. Chould enter a mid-term bearish trend, if 50 breaks , turns to be long-term

R: Crash Coming!!!!

SO: no clear trend yet, But high risk be turning flat or down!
