battle, war/tree, forest -- GRE verbal test :)

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If the utimate winner is decided by the number of battles won or loss, then, no doubt, Napolean would be one of those winners. However, he won many battles but lose the war, that is why Le Emporer died lonely in a remote island.

So, one cannot lose sight, one day\'s turnaround of DOW does not mean we are out of woods yet. We may get a bounce tomorrow (who knows, your guess is as good as mine), but there is no doubt the whole financial system is under some strain. until the whole thing is sorted out, we will see volatile days like this more often.

Today\'s bounce is a technical bounce, to borrow a phase from the wall street when there is no other good terms to explain :)

There are palpable fear in the market for sure when day began, it seems there is no light on the other end of tunnel, people sell everything they can to avoid to be caught in the further loss. and No doublt some Wall Street Analysts helped fanning those fears..

Things begin to change during the noon (around noon central time), looks like people run out things to sell, and obviously many peoples still want to play the game of big drop before the close of the bell, that\'s when people run against program trading.. and, no dboubt people loss and machine win :)

If you looked at the number, this is hardly a rally at all:
Advances 1,292 (38%) 1,393 (43%)
Declines 2,034 (60%) 1,731 (54%)
Unchanged 42 (1%) 90 (3%)
Up Vol* 2,368 (188%) 1,103 (33%)
Down Vol* 3,162 (251%) 2,182 (65%)
Unch. Vol* 26 (2%) 53 (2%)
New Hi\'s 11 36
New Lo\'s 1,071 395

So, embrace yourself, have a good rest, because tomorrow is not going to be any easier
